Suggestions on ich products for a reeftank?

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none!!!! they aren't reliable:oops: ...hypo or copper, but not in the display;) how many fish are in the tank now???
Cleaner shrimp will not work, trust me.
well everyone on "another very large forum":confused: thinks that they do;) !!!LMAO that's their first reply to ich kills me!!! in the world they live in, garlic and cleaner shrimp will clear it right up....i guess miracles come true there!!!!!!:rolleyes:
Ron, never discount hope, prayer, and luck.
I never count on them, but it is everyone's prerogative to do so.
If the tank was BIG enough, the water quality perfect, the fish VERY healthy, and the fish numbers few enough, it could peter out.
But one must remember, this is a VERY VERY rare occurrence.

As one who has tried Malachite green, Methylene Blue, Quinine, and about every remedy out there in the last 30 years, Hypo and or Copper are all that work. And a month of hypo doesn't always do the job. I'm having to restart hypo on my Hippo. Symptoms resurfaced in full salinity after a month of hypo followed by another week of watching it in QT. From now on, all tangs get copper dipped following a successful hypo of 6 weeks. Ick happens, is a PITA, and cleaner wrasses and/or shrimps will not get it out of the tank nor the tang. OMHO
If the tank was BIG enough, the water quality perfect, the fish VERY healthy, and the fish numbers few enough, it could peter out
i completely agree, but i would never give that advice to someone!!!! all they talk about is how garlic and cleaner shrimp will do the trick..i have to laugh and hope the person that really needs the help can filter out all the garbage that people tell them
I think creating good water parameters and giving fish hiding spots helps. I do not like to give meds. I would use red lights or lighting that is less stressful. Hyposalinity slowly,any changes in your tank slowly. If you can keep fish eating in low stress environment, I feel your chances of survival are good. That means keeping your temperature and PH as stable as possible. A UV sterilizer would help kill things that flow through it. Ich needs a host, so it can not survive in a tank with live rock alone for a few weeks.
going through ich as well...

And as some of you know I can't QT fish for various if....well nevermind. Just can't right now. :mad:

:rolleyes: Read, read, read about ich HERE and IMHO reefland as well. My fish are getting an upper hand on the ich. If you want more on my situation look under "I want to cry". :cry:

Good luck
Hope your fish pull through. I noticed my fish really started doing better with good nutrition.

Debbie :)
Your right Debbie

Good luck
I noticed my fish started doing better with good nutrition.

Debbie :)[/QUOTE]

I think Debbie hit the nail on the head. I also believe feeding a nutritious food with b Glucans, Selcon to food, I would use New Life Spectrum pellets mixed with glucan from health store and Selcon.
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i completely agree that vitamins, hufa's, and good water parameters helps the fish's immune system, but it has no affect on the have to kill the parasite ...most of the time when the fish seem to be better, it is just when the trophont has fallen off of the fish to encyst and multiply
You really have two choices, or a combination of them both..

1) kill the ich. This involves getting all the fish out and treating them with hypo / copper for 6 weeks, and letting the tank sit fallow. There is no proven reef safe, yet proven effective in-tank treatment.

2) deal with it. Boost fish health and hopefully minimize infestation with cleaner gobies, cleaner shrimp, garlic, selcon.

Personally, I chose #1. I QT all new fish and corals (separately) for six weeks now that my tank is ich free.
I use a UV sterilizer and believe it works. I have a blue striped goby that had a little bit on it turned on the UV and within the week all the spots were gone plus I think the water looks nicer.
UV, Selcon, Good Nutrition, and more waterchanges. Ozone also will kill Ich in its free swimming larval stage. Good luck
Back in Ohio, I used a product called SANO. Its produced by reef remedies. It is reef safe (at least in my experience). This is the best product that I have ever used!
It's a 400 Gal reef tank - no fish are being caught and removed for QT - just can't happen. It was new fish that caused the problem - guess the stress just wore 'em down. Interestingly, fish are fed healthily and are fed food marniated in EcoSystem Aquarium Garlic Extract....

It's my vanderbilt chromis'es - two of which have disappeared (I'm assuming they are dead) - and naturally spreading to the hippo tangs (being the magnets they are). There are Cleaner Shrimp, I never see the chromis near them, and they appear to be having no impact anyway.

I've been hoping to treat it with something - I tried NoSickFish's ich remedy - no noticeable impact on the tank inhabitants - but none on the ich either unfortunately - and I'm reluctant to simply let it run its course as I'd rather have a bit of control over this rather than have random events control it.

couple of things that have seemed to be helping - increased temperature and lowered salinity - raised temp to around 81F -dropped salinity for a few days to 1.021-.022. Corals are a bit peeved, but they'll get over it.

Adding a UV or Ozone device is something I'll look at - but not thinking that will be able to occur imminently....

Thanks for the feedback!
how many fish are in the tank???? with very few fish in a system that large, it could possibly(very big if) dieoff if the trophonts can't find a host...since you can't remove them, i would try a uv light, keep up the water quality, and feed daily vitamins and hufa's... you may get lucky