Sump/ skimmer question

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Mar 13, 2012
mount vernon
So if you see here. I have junk on the bottom where my tunze classic doc skimmer is.

My question is. Is it because the skimmer doesn't pull in the junk while it falls from my overflow (two pipes on the left)
Should I move the skimmer to the right chamber where I have my sand? ( swap them) Because it flows under and over baffles and it'd be much shallower so my skimmer could pick more stuff up?

Does anyone have any advice to get the junk into my skimmer? Should I put a power head down there?

Thanks in advance
wow, the newest version of the oldest skimmer in existance...
well, lets start from the top...
what size tank is it? what is the bioload?
what is the air injection and the gph of water processed by this skimmer?

right of the bat. im feeling your under skimming with this thing, and could upgrade for pretty cheap.
In most sumps with multiple chambers, there usually are spots where detritus falls out of the water and collects.
This is a good thing, because it isn't in your tank under the live rock.
I usually siphon it out when I do water changes.
I got it from a friend. And I retired my CPR bak pak for this skimmer. Thought it was good :/
I'm unsure of the gph on this skimmer.
I tried having it skim like my CPR did on my 29 gallon by having a rather thick skim.
I cannot get it to cooperate.

I have a 55 display with a twenty down below. So maybe 70 total

I have 7 hermits, one emerald, 8 snails. One liktina star fish. ( blue one )
One 2 inch clown, one damsel, one sail fin blenny
I feed probably a quarter of Mysis shrimp cube everyday
The only real marking in this skimmer is on the pump and it's a 9005.04
I seen its since been retired
I use to get a slight accumulation in my sump as well and would consider it a blessing because you know exactly where to go to siphon it up. :)

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The best way to not have any curd collect in the skimmer section of your sump, is to directly feed your skimmer with your over flow pipe.
This can only be done with an air driven skimmer.
Looks like yours is driven with some type ventrui pump
Yes it has a Venturi.
I Some huh managed to stuff my can filter in the bottom next to my sump. It's really crazy down there now. :) I had some white hair looking stuff on my overflow baffles. I need to get a filter sock.

I've been digging deeper into this new setup and I don't think I'm happy with it.
What's the word on this skimmer skimmy. Your Tha man I was wondering what these two ports are.


Just cleaned the cup so I'll update on how things are. Here's the Venturi


And I guess it's 222 gph. That's easy enough to remember. :)
SCA 302 Protein Skimmer for Salt Water Fish Tanks Up to 180 Gallons | eBay

i just recommended this to another person here, for $134 you cant beat this.
will skim circles round that skimmer.
as to what those 2 holes are for??/
jeez, you got me... i see you have the blue adjuster screw already, and the air muffler, so i dont think they are air... maybe one is for ozone and one for overflow?? i dunno..
also, as others have said, its good your detritus is collecting in your sump... now instead of blowing it around, clean it out!! :)
and wear socks if it bugs you..
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