super noob

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Hey everyone, i am a super noob and super excited to get my new tank up and running. i have a 14 gal biocube and is currently cycling with live rock and live sand. i have never had a salt water tank before and i havent had a fresh water tank since i was a kid but this is somthing i have wanted to do for years and i finally took the plunge. so hopefully i wont get in to far over my head, but so far so good in no small part beacuse of rf. anyway im really excited to find rf and stoked to see most of you guys are local so good to be here and im sure some of you will be answering my stoopid questions soon
welcome aboard! I know RF will provide you with the information you will need to successfully raise a marine enviornment. Just a couple personal pieces of advice: 1. If your tank crashes or you have multiple deaths dont become discouraged. Unfortunately it is part of the marine aquarium hobby. Keep at it and it will get better with experience I promise. The second thing is that, like myself, you may start out with a 14G biocube now but you will soon get the itch to expand. This is why the saltwater hobby is so expeinsive. You start small and then want more space over time. I know this personally, within less than 2 years I started my marine tank with a 24G Aquapod, then moved onto a 55Gm then onto a 100G and finally onto a 180G. I currently am running a small 26G Bow front while I am house hunting. One nice thing is that the state of washington is one of the biggest states for the aquarium/marine aquarium hobby. I just moved back to New England recently and we are no where near what washingto has to offer. Again, welcome aboard and feel free to ask away with your questions!

PS... There are alot of "sticky" threads available to read. I suggest you start there. At some point you will run across Mojo (Mike). He runs this joint and is full of info along with many of his side-kicks. If he can't answer your question he can relay you to someone who can.

Ask away, im sure most here will be willing to answer any questions. I always recommend a good SW aquarium book. Read it Read it Read it!

Also sw and or sw reef clubs are a good source for info and equipment/livestock.
Welcome to RF jeepfish. We look forward to seeing your set up and following along with its progress.
I can't believe I'm the first to say this.... PICS, PICS, PICS! People 'round here live for documentation of projects and systems. I have been in this hobby for over a year and can tell you that I don't know where I would be in this hobby with out the fine folks here on RF. Good luck, and may the fish be with you, lol.