Suppliments for nano tanks...

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Apr 27, 2007
Renton, Wa
I'm setting up a 6gal pico reef tank and just wanted some advice as to what to suppliment it with.

I was looking at Red Sea Calcium +3 at work and thought it looked good. Only down side is that it seems to be SUPER concentrated.. like 5ml to 50gal of replacement water. It instructs to add it to fresh water when doing top offs, or to replacement water during water changes.. So when adding it to like 3gals of water.. eesh. Use like what, a drop? lol.

Does anyone have any better suggestions for such a small tank? I like the idea of it being Calcium + other elements...

Maybe Salifert Coral Grower, and Salifert Trace Soft? I hear good stuff about salifert products..
I'd suggest not dosing anything that you don't test for. Also, as for Calcium, Alk and Mg, there's a great link in my signature for recipes to make the supplements yourself. They work great and are much less expensive than what you buy in a LFS. The problem with a lot of store bought supplements is they tell you to add X amount to X number of gallons. They don't know what levels are in your particular tank or what levels you are desiring. Brings up another point, there's also a link in my signature for a great Chemistry Calculator to use to figure out how much to dose!! Good luck and keep us informed!!!
Red Sea Calcium +3 is the only formulated calcium replenisher which combines strontium, molybdenum and iodine in a unique manner so that no cation or anion displacement occurs when added to the aquarium

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Don't be using this crap or most other crap from Red Sea.

Maybe Salifert Coral Grower, and Salifert Trace Soft?

You do not need this either.

Nano's, especially small ones, get messed up reealy quick if you or some sup screws up. TGhere is no room for error. You need to be simple. Get a two-part like B-Ionic or C- Balance. Make sure you have good test kits for Ca++, Mg++, PO4, Nitrate and yes AMMONIA. Each week change 1/2 gal of water. And use only RO/DI water to mix the salt with.
Red Sea Calcium +3 is the only formulated calcium replenisher which combines strontium, molybdenum and iodine in a unique manner so that no cation or anion displacement occurs when added to the aquarium

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Don't be using this crap or most other crap from Red Sea.

Maybe Salifert Coral Grower, and Salifert Trace Soft?

You do not need this either.

Nano's, especially small ones, get messed up reealy quick if you or some sup screws up. TGhere is no room for error. You need to be simple. Get a two-part like B-Ionic or C- Balance. Make sure you have good test kits for Ca++, Mg++, PO4, Nitrate and yes AMMONIA. Each week change 1/2 gal of water. And use only RO/DI water to mix the salt with.

Alrighty then. Crap. I'll just take it back to work then. lol. I bought some because I didn't want the coraline algae on my live rock to die off until I could afford something better. I haven't purchased any test kits yet, another thing I will be buying next payday. Right now its just a bare tank with some rock. Will be adding the live sand on Thursday. So its no real hurry I guess. Just trying to get my gravity perfect before I add anything else. You aren't kidding about there being no room for error. lol.

I purchased some sterilized sea water, packaged by Catalina. Ugh. What a pain in the ass. The gravity was off the fricken chart and I had to fiddle with it for like 48 hours to get it just right in the tank. Scooping out tank water and adding RO water little bits at a time. arg. So yeah. Reef crystals here I come. :p

That part A and B suppliment you mention, is that the Nano A and B? I've been looking for that. Most the big places i've looked so far don't carry it.
I would agree with Ken. A daily water change of 1/2 gal and you more likey will noyt need to sup's at all. However, you should chech the water parameters anyway to be sure and sup if needed.

No that is not what I had in mind but is more or less the same.Those I was talking about are callecd B-Ionic and C- Balance.

