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SW Shipment 9/01 - 9/05

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2004
Qty Size Item
1 M Annularis Angel - Pomacanthus annularis
1 ML Blueface Angel - Pomacanthus xanthometopon
2 SM Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge bispinosus
1 Golden Angel - Centropyge aurantia
2 Canary Blenny: Yellow; Fiji - Meiacanthus ovalaunensis
2 Flametail Blenny - Meicanthus atrodorsalis
6 M Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
2 SM Red Scooter Blenny; I.O. - Synchiropus stellatus
1 M Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus
2 SM Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera
1 ML Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera
2 L Maroon Clown; PNG - Premnas biaculeatus
2 M Maroon Clown: Yellowstripe - Premnas biaculeatus
2 L Percula Clown: True; PNG - Amphiprion percula
12 Green Chromis - Chromis viridis
3 Kupang Damsel - Chrysiptera sp.
13 Yellowtail Blue Damsel - Chrysiptera sp.
2 Banded Prawn Goby - Amblyeleotris steinitzi
4 S Diamond Goby - Valenciennea puellaris
2 M Dragon Goby - Amblygobius phaleana
12 Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica
2 SM Green Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus splendens
3 SM Purple Firefish - Nemateleotris decora
1 SM Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus picturatus
1 Flame Hawk; Haw. - Neocirrhites armatus
1 Geometric Pygmy Hawk - Pectranthias sp
1 M Diana's Hogfish - Bodianus diana
1 M Lyretail Hogfish - Bodianus anthioides
1 Red Head Pseudochromis - Pseudochromis elongatus
2 ML Blue Spot Puffer; Fiji - Canthigaster solandri
1 SM Dogface Puffer - Arothron nigropunctatus
1 SM Stars & Stripes Puffer - Arothron hispidus
1 SM Valentini Puffer - Canthigaster valentini
2 SM Foxface - Siganus vulpinus

Qty Size Item
2 SM Kelloggi Seahorse:T.R - Hippocampus kelloggi
1 ML Blonde Naso Tang - Naso lituratus
1 SM Blue (Hippo) Tang; PNG - Paracanthurus hepatus
1 SM Chocolate (Yel.Mimic) Tang - Acanthurus pyroferus
1 ML Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus
1 M Lavender Tang - Acanthurus nigrofuscus
1 M Powder Blue Surgeon - Acanthurus leucosternon
1 S Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
1 M Humu Humu Trigger; PNG - Rhinecanthus aculeatus
1 SM White Tail Trigger - Sufflamen albicaudatu
1 Blue Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus cyaneus
1 M Carpenter Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpenteri
1 ML Clown Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus solorensis
2 ML Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
1 Whipfin Fairy Wrasse: Male - Cirrhilabrus fialmentosus
1 M Bubble Anem: Color - Entacmaea quadricolor
1 ML Bubble Anem: Color - Entacmaea quadricolor
1 M Goniopora Coral: Metallic - Goniopora sp.
2 Pom Pom Crab - Lybia tessellata
100 Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac. - Paguristes sp.
3 M Sea Hare - Dolabella auricularia
2 M Star Polyp: Green - Briareum sp. w/Scleractinia s
2 2 IN Crocea Clam: 1st Grade - Tridacna crocea
6 L Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
6 XL Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
6 M Fire Shrimp - Lysmatta debelius
2 Pistol Shrimp: Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp.
200 Margarita Turbo Snail - Turbo sp.
200 L Nassarius Sand Snail (Large) - Nassarius sp.
2 Orange Star (Linkia) - Linckia sp.
2 Feather Duster: Green / Yellow - Sabellastarte sp.
2 Feather Duster: Purple - Sabellastarte sp.
Monthly Specials For September


For September 1st – September 30th

All Asst Damslels 25% OFF Regular Price
All Clownfish 25% OFF Regular Price
All Mushrooms & Ricordeas 25% Off Regular Price

FW livestock
All Freshwater Shrimp 25% OFF Regular Price
All Corydoras Cats 25% OFF Regular Price
All Betta Fish 25% OFF Regular Price
All Pond Fish (No Feeder Itmes) 20% OFF Regular Price

All Pond Supplies (No UV Sterilizers) 20% Off Regular Price
All Books 20% OFF Regular Price
All Betta Supplies 20% OFF Regular Price

not to be combined with any other offer.
not valid towards livestock card stamps.
no other discounts apply