T5 or Halide?

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Nov 23, 2011
Hello friends,

I am looking for a 36" 6 bulb T5 fixture for my 65 gallon reef. I was told the T5 6 bulb is equivalant to a 2 x 150 watt halide with 2 cf bulbs. The power consumption is a lot less than the halide. I only have soft corals and mushrooms now with some clowns and 2 large rose anemones.

Is this a good idea with the 6 bulb fixture?

I seen a fixture on ebay for $200.00 with bulbs but not sure if thats a good product. Any suggestions under $350.00?


Not sure if this helps any but I just switched all my tanks to leds..one of my smaller tanks was my trial and ran for 2 years under leds before I switched my large system over..evolutions has a system that fits your system in a similar pricerange(150 watts..i am
Using it)and my bubbletips always love the leds...me personally never wanna go back to halides and deal with bulb replacement,the heat,energycost..the color is prettier also and the unit is stylish also..hanging on yoyos..just to put it out there if u start from scratch and your budget is not that low
I'm trying out the new TRI-COLOR par 38 LED w/60 degree optics and are stunning to see. Aprox. $119 ea. and install a simple $24 hardware fixture w/ 2-4 positionable sockets to pinpoint/highlight sections of the reef can't be beat. There is also word of a dimming version. You will not be happy replacing bulbs annually @ $30/T-5 or $90/halide.
Done the math and phasing in the LED.