talk to me about my fishie

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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
so my new Zebrasoma scopas is the bomb..
he is so cool... but my real question is this.

is it ok for a fish to eat his own poo?

lol really..

all other things aside.. i know what i should and shouldnt do so besides that..
he must have a small infection cause he had a trail of poo for a day or so.. and i was woundering when it was going to come off... (started to worry) then when i came home today.. he had a ball of poo connected to a string of poo..

well just as i was like.. "oh s" it came off and he proceeded to eat it..

besides that, he mad short work of the litte aglae i had, but is still to shy to eat with the others... so that will come in time.. also he has a lil white mark center on his left flaper fin... hasnt moved or grown in size..

on the other hand.. my marroon clown couldnt even wait 5 min to host in his new home.. a seabae i beleave... even tho i was told it wasnt.. (knowing it was) he was trying to host thur the bag...

it took 5 hours for him to get in there...

the white dot is the size of a ball point pen centered in his clear pectoral fin
yes, this is OK..

If I remember correctly from Lee, poo has iron in it which is not naturally produced in the ocean.

Lee, correct me if I am wrong.
lol he's (or she?) is a poo eater.... nasty lil one..

on the other hand... I will probly only be able to hold on to him for a few years... b4 hes to big for my setup.... but other wise what a pretty fish swims so much more gracefully then my clowns
Normal and

Just teach it to not do that when company is over.

All my tangs seem to do that and it doesn’t matter if it their own or someone else’s. when the s - - t flies the fish all get excited. Mostly they don’t really eat it but just mouthing it to see if its food. The fish are kind of dumb like that. My scopes has some really string like poo that will hang on for sometimes hours.

Keep a close eye on the spot. It could just be an injury but if not you will want to get on top of it fast.
Ya ill keep an eye on him, he is fat lol ill get some nice pics l8r