Tang ID

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2004
When it was small it was only one color now it is changing. Top fin is orange, bottom fin is blue and flippers on orange. Is this Ocean tang? What is Acanthurus?

Can't help with the id, but I'm curious, how many tangs do you have and what size is your tank?
A tang tank?
finn said:
Wow, I do like tangs, guess you do too.:)

Here my list.

Tennetti tang 9"
Lopezi tang 8"
Orange shoulder tang 7"
Ocean tang 5"
Blue eyed tang 4"
Sohal tang 4"
Dussemmeri tang 4"
Clown tang 4"
Mimic tang 4"
Re:Is this Ocean tang? What is Acanthurus?

Hi Zul Your just like me got to love your Tangs :)
I have the Dr. Burgess's Atlas of marine aquarium fishes and it looks like a Ocean Tang or you could call it a Acanthurus Bahianus.:D
Nice looking Tang, he will have the same color almost as your Tennenti His max length can reach 11 7/8" big boy It also states home waters are the Western Atlantic good luck with that big happy Family:shock:

zulreef said:
When it was small it was only one color now it is changing. Top fin is orange, bottom fin is blue and flippers on orange. Is this Ocean tang? What is Acanthurus?

The Apprentice said:
Hi Zul Your just like me got to love your Tangs :)
I have the Dr. Burgess's Atlas of marine aquarium fishes and it looks like a Ocean Tang or you could call it a Acanthurus Bahianus.:D
Nice looking Tang, he will have the same color almost as your Tennenti His max length can reach 11 7/8" big boy It also states home waters are the Western Atlantic good luck with that big happy Family:shock:

Hi again Jeff,

Thanks a lot for info.:) :)

Are you planning on a larger tank in the future? Thats a lot of Tangs for a tank that size. Sohals get very large and VERY aggresive. The Clown Tang is another very aggresive Tang and being that they are both of the same genus, one may kill the other.
I do love Tangs too, I have a Whiteface and Hippo for my 240..my favorite is the Powder Blue, but I don't want one..they are meanies!
Good luck to you and your Tangs!
That tang almost looks like surgeon fish we have all around here in the Bahamas. I've never seen them or known them to change colors, but seeing it's daylight savings time now, I'll see if sometime this week after work, I could shoot down to the water and take a picture of one:)
sometimes coloration isnt normal due to water quality and other stress and this can make it more difficult to id when the main clues are color. check out the id's people have given you and compare it to your tang now and after its done changing color. im not saying color change is only from problems- many change as they mature- im just saying look closely and dont rely on present color if the fish is new to your tank. hope this helps more than confuses!
I agree with Apprentice after a long serach. This fish is also known to have a slight yellowish to at times. All of the ID charact's point to Acanthurus bahianus