Tank additions help.

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
I need some help. I have recently had some issues adding fish to my tank. I currently have a larger royal gramma. I added two clowns and a coris wrasse, which are all confirmed dead (the clowns ended up in the overflow) I also added a Yasha Hasha but he and his shrimp are also in the overflow (but alive and well)

I have a 40breeder with an mp40 running half and a K1 running along with my return 300gph tops.

Do I have too much flow at night? Do I have too much flow during the day?

What fish would you recommend? I like swimmers that go in and out of the rock work.

Thanks for you help.


There are dozens of questions to ask. As far as flow goes, it isn't too much and that wouldn't be the cause of the deaths. Before you embark on adding any new fishes, you need to determine what is going wrong. I suspect the advice you are getting isn't sound nor reliable.

If you are serious about getting help here, we'll need to know a lot more about the system and the fishes you've lost. This list of questions is a start:

How old is your tank? When did it originally cycle?
What is the size (dimensions and gallonage) of your aquarium? Does the gallonage include the volume from the sump and any refugium?
Do you use carbon, skimmer, mechanical or other chemical filtration?.
List all specimens & sizes in the tank (fish, inverts, corals, clams, snails, crabs, shrimp, etc.). List the ones that have died -- size and kind of specimens.
Do you use a quarantine tank and procedure?
Foods you use and feeding schedules.
How long have you had these fish? If the fish were recently acquired (6 weeks or less), two more questions: Did you treat it or give it a dip before it went into the aquarium? How did you acclimate it – what procedure?
Do you use any vitamins? Fat additives? Any elemental or other additives? Please list all.
Chemistries – you gave none. Do you test for Phosphate, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium? Please give actual current numbers for everything. Have these numbers been changing lately? These tests need to be by test kit, not dip sticks.
Water parameters – please give actual numbers (pH and your pH range, salinity or sp. gr. & range, temperature range)
Do you see any of the following in your system: hair algae; micro algae; cyanobacteria growths (red slime algae); dinoflagellate (zooxanthellae) growths; brown algae; diatom growth; slimes; off-colored patches on rock or substrate that are not coralline; etc.?
Water changes (how much and how often).
What is your source water? (Tap water, RO water, DI water, RO/DI, distilled, etc.)
List what you added or taken out of your aquarium system (living, decorations, and equipment) during the past 6 weeks.
Maintenance schedule. What have you done lately?

I would caution you however. . .If you're not going to answer ALL the questions, in detail, then you might as well not start.

Sounds fishy to me.
I would definitely do something about the fish being able to get into the overflow. Use some gutter screen from the hardware store or something.
I suspect you have an aggressive fish on your hands killing the other fish or chasing them into the overflow. Flow has nothing to do with it. I would not put any more fish in that tank until you figure out what’s up.