tank and manifold design

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Jan 4, 2006
Gothenburg, Sweden

After much looking, I think I've found the experts and friendly people again!

So...here's my first post at this forum..

Anthony - I sleep with your and Rob's "Reef Invertebrates" under my pillow hoping to absorb all your knowledge and expertise. Great book. I go back to it time and time again!

CaptBunzo (Paul) - I really appreciated your help on a previous site and was so glad to have found you here, so I'm looking forward to what you think about the design that I've worked on.

Well, I've spent a little bit of time reading all the closed loop threads and articles on manifold, etc. Other than the complexities of plumbing, I hope I've got the picture now.

Could you give me some input as to what you think about this design?

The top half is looking at the manifold from above.
The bottom half is the tank from the back. I've just drawn the plumbing leading down to the sump for now, because we're not quite sure where it will stand or how big it will be yet.

We will also have a refugium hooked up to the system as well, feeding back into the tank. Is it best to do feed the water from the refugium directly into the tank, or rather into the sump and then back? I'm not quite sure how the flow loop should be through the refugium...

I'd appreciate any input and thanks so much in advance!

Just wanted to say welcome to Rf Christi! Looks like a great design you've got in mind...I'm sure you will get all sorted out here. Best of luck!
for all those returns it looks like you will need more overflow unless I missed something. how many thousands of gallons will your pump be?
Is it okay to link a thread to another forum?? Because then I could link the whole conversation that I had with CaptBunzo there. Just didn't want to break some golden rule or something....

reefbaby said:
Is it okay to link a thread to another forum?? Because then I could link the whole conversation that I had with CaptBunzo there. Just didn't want to break some golden rule or something....


Christi - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! To answer your question, yes, you can link to the conversation. We aren't strict about that kind of thing here, especially when it is something to help with a discussion and education of a topic. Hope you enjoy the website!
okay...thanks...here's the link to the original conversation. I'd appreciate more comments in terms of the flow. Will my flow through the closed-loop manifold (which is the top half of the picture) be too diminished by the end of the tubing? Is it still worth it to put in all the outlets?

Just to make it clear, the top half of the design is the closed-loop manifold that would be over the top of the aquarium, whereas the bottom picture is looking at the tank from the back. The return would come up from the sump and I was thinking that I could have those outlets placed lower in the tank so that all the circulation isn't just at the top-half of the aquarium. Does this make sense? Would this be enough circulation or would you guys still recommend having Tunze streams or something?

Thanks, I appreciate any help and comments!
I think you'd be just fine with what you have planned out, providing you power it with an appropriate sized pump for whatever your wanting to keep, (SPS = higher flow, LPS and Softies + lower flow).

cheers, Christi

Thanks for your kind words about my NMARI book, etc :)

Welcome to RF!

Regarding your proposed CLM, it looks very good overall, though I must admit I'm reading/answering a bit fast tonight (three boards at one time!). i will be sure to revisit here.

But can you confirm that the plan is for a complete loop and no break in the "circuit" (no tee or stopped ends)

Have you also gathered an understanding of the importance of not using 90 degree elbows on the corners but sweeping elbos or 2 X 45 degree instead?

Full size piping off the pump and through the manifold loop (1.5-2" min likely)

Reduce effluent tees from a larger manifold tee opening (so you can change effluent size in time with various adapters or reducer bushings as needed as opposed to committing to too small of an effluent pipe dia.)