Tap Water

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Nov 26, 2005
seattle, wa
With all of the discussion from the Bob Fenner mtg about whether or not to use tap water, I'm curious about how Seattle water stacks up? Have any of you Seattlites tested the tap water? I'd like to switch and would be willing to do so if the potential nutrient inputs from said water are very very low. If TDS is typically high, if phosphates are high, or nitrates, then I won't do it. But, if it's all reasonably low, I just assume save myself the trips to and from the LFS to buy water.

Opinions from the locals...
moving to the PSAS forum for better localized attention....
My wife and I use tap water out here in Gig Harbor. But from what I've heard our water supply where I live is pretty good. I've gotten in the habit of filling a 33g bucket with water and premixing it there though, not sure if it makes a difference
My tap tests at ~30 on my TDS meter. But it what accounts for that 30 that will make a big difference so I still use RO/DI on my tanks.
I have heard that Seattle has some great water and I would tend to believe that. I don't see calcium buildups or other indications of minerals in our water. Even so I use RO/DI for my tank water.You just never know when the water district will flush the system and flood you with the nasties.
Just a FYI, I use aged tap water for my baby tanks and they are doing fine. Will I get better rates if I use RO/DI, possibly, but I haven't seen the need to yet.

I do, however, use Ro/Di for the weekly water changes on the main reef, along with 2 other tanks which have spawning clowns.

The reason I asked this question is simply that I'm in the process of switching out between 29g tanks...long story. During the move I was going to end up doing more then my weekly water change which I've always done RODI. For this change over where I'd like to mix about 15gal of new water, do you think that tap water will be o.k.?
kcharm said:
The reason I asked this question is simply that I'm in the process of switching out between 29g tanks...long story. During the move I was going to end up doing more then my weekly water change which I've always done RODI. For this change over where I'd like to mix about 15gal of new water, do you think that tap water will be o.k.?

Just make sure you age it for at least a day or two. It won't harm the animals in your tank. May provide algaes more things to use to grow, but again, your animals won't be affected. Use the same salt as you have been using, though.

How does aging change tap water? I know that chlorine will off-gas, but I didn't think chloramines did. And it wouldn't change the TDS would it?
It wont affect the TDS but it does help dechlorinate. If you put it out in the sun it dechlors even faster like an outdoor pool does. I don't know about chloramines though
NeuroDoc said:
How does aging change tap water? I know that chlorine will off-gas, but I didn't think chloramines did. And it wouldn't change the TDS would it?

This is the best thing about Seattle water as it is one of the best in the nation. First of all TDS readings are about 30, with possibly 40-50 after heavy rains, although that is common after runoffs, etc.

Now the city of Seattle (treated water within the city) has chlorines, which is the city's secondary disinfectant. However, no chloramines are added (i.e. those chlorine and ammonia compounds...combined chlorine as it is sometimes called).

Therefore, aging water as you have mentioned will take out the chlorine in the water and that's it and you don't have to worry about chloramines at all. If baby clownfishes can make it through tap water....I am sure your inhabitants will be fine until you can set up your RO/DI.

here is a link to the glossary of terms...notice that Seattle does not use "ammonia" and "chlorimination", which is the process by which chloramines are formed.


Aerate the water, to speed up the dechlorination.

Some salt brands contain a declorinator.
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Got this link from the link from Ilham... http://www.seattle.gov/util/static/COS_005087.pdf
Granted, this is a grab sample from the first part of May 2005. 2003 looks similar as does 2001. I can't believe that there would be any significant benefit to using RO/DI with these water parameters.

Saltwater City suggested running carbon while I brew my water incase there was a recent algae bloom in the resevoir which seemed like a good idea, but other then that, after looking at these numbers, if it hasn't rained any significant amount in the past couple of days...I'm using tap water from here on out.

It's not the money for the RODI, it's the time. With a less then 30 gallons in my system, it's not cost effective to buy and unit; it's cheaper to go buy the stuff from the lfs which is getting to be a pain. I like the idea of brewing the water with carbon and then running RODI if it's been rainy.
Hi kcharm.

Phosphates and the silicates is why people use Ro/Di around here, everything else looks be 'ok'.

I don't even use Ro/Di for the baby tanks, and they're fine. I figure if 1 mm long fish larvae can survive saltwater made from tap water, your corals will be fine. I just use Ro/Di on the main reef as it has been so, and I really don't want to take chances with that. All other stuff considering, there is nothing wrong with our water.


I just called my water district, and it turns out that my water is not currently chlorinated or chloraminated (??) (no chlorine or chloramine). They add nothing to my water for decontamination. The water quality specialist is going to look up their test for TDS. What level of TDS is reasonable? How about silicates or other chemicals?
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Howdy all,

I am new here (since November), and I just wanted to know, does what you guys are saying apply to the suburbs as well? Such as Renton perhaps?
