TDS questions

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Monroe Wa.
I bought a 5 stage RO/DI because I moved to a place in the country on a well, my TDS out of the tap is between 250 and 275, my RO/DI is coming out between 6 and 10 but my tank is 117 x10 :eek: is this normal ??
Moving Casualties

I have been offline for about 3 weeks because of the move to the new house and in that time I switched from a 55 to a 100. Because my new place is on a well I bought a 5 stage ro/di and used only new ro/di water to fill it up, I lost a bunch of corals, 1 fish, 2 large cleaner shrimp all but 3 or 4 of my snails, a bunch of hermits and my 2 Emerald Crabs "Eugene" and "Mr. Crabs" Thankfully my pair of Clowns and their pair of "Class Clown" Rose Bulbs survived along with a a large Pacific Anenome a big as$ Blenny and my favorite Purple Tang, oh yeah my large H hipotmus (sp) looks better now than before :confused:

My levels have been all over the map so I have been doing a water change every 4 days of about 15 to 20 gallons at a time. Is my tank cycling all over again ? I used my old sand but rinsed it really well with fresh water from the garden hose along with 30 pounds of new sand and for the most part my rock all stayed in saltwater except for a few pieces that had a bunch of apstasia

Am I in for another 3 or 4 months of cycling my tank ??
First how many gal has the unit made since you bought it. ?

It could be depleted. What is the pH and Alk of the tap water ? If I know the pH and Alk I can calculate the CO2. Well water often is high in CO2 which goes through the RO. The CO2 reacts with H20 and forms H2CO3, which breaks apart to H+, HCO3- and CO3--. The HCO3- and CO3-- deplete the resin and the output TDS is exhausted in short time and gives high readings.

Air dry the TDS meter probe and see if it reads zero.

Check the DI housing to make sure it is tight and does not move. Some of the water may be by-passing.
i thought TDS tester is for fresh water :confused:
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TDS is tested in fresh water that you want purified but when you test water with a SALT mix you will the read some dissolved solids, I haven't heard of anyone trying to read their salt mix.
TDS is tested in fresh water that you want purified but when you test water with a SALT mix you will the read some dissolved solids, I haven't heard of anyone trying to read their salt mix.

And in most cases the TDS of saltwater will be out-of-range of the affordable TDS meters.
Exactly. And most cheap TDS meters (from my experience) don't go above 1,000 or (for some) 10,000 ppm. So testing 35,000 to 37,000 ppm water is wishful thinking ...
:mad: I skipped right over that 117 x10. Correct, you can not use a cheap TDS for Seawater. A TDS for seawater will be around 35,000 ppm. I was psoting only on his TDS fro his RO/ DI and a DI of 6-10 ppm has something wrong with it.
:mad: I skipped right over that 117 x10. Correct, you can not use a cheap TDS for Seawater. A TDS for seawater will be around 35,000 ppm. I was psoting only on his TDS fro his RO/ DI and a DI of 6-10 ppm has something wrong with it.

Lernt somtin new ever day rund here :D , the TDS of 6-10 ppm is what my concerns is. I bought the unit used from a RF member and it was making 0-2 ppm when I picked it up but that was city water. My new place is on a well and it is making 6-10 ppm, the well water goes through a 3 stage filter with an ultraviolet light to kill bacteria (drinking water) and then through my ro/di unit I plan to replace the 3 filters and UV light asap but moving SUX and I haven't had enough time yet. What should my TDS ppm be, I have a Water General Mfg Co "RO6100 DINT" filter system

I'll get those test #'s up later tonight, I'm gonna go try and kill a Salmon down on the Skykomish before it gets to dark

Thanks for your help guys :cool:
I usually start changing filters at 2ppm, I try & keep it at "0"
You may require a few more pre filters to help extend the life of the more expensive filters.
If the resin is oe then its probbly junk, they use low quality stuff and the cartrige is tiny. If your going to order a membrane open it up first and verify its size. I found a filmtec 75gpd in mine.

OK all this TDS talk, I went ahead & recalibrate my Hanna TDS tester. I used the solution in a clean & dry container, small enough to submerse the meter deep enough in the small amount of fluid. With a dry meter I turned it on & dipped it into the solution as per instructions & adjusted to 800ppm as per the solution. Now every time I take it out, shake it semi dry until it reads "0" then re-submerse it in the solution it was slightly off, close but not exact. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I used this when I first got it & now that I'm making water again I wanted to make sure she was dead on. I tested the water I'm making yesterday & it read "0" & after the adjustments & testing again it still reading "0" from the RO/DI unit. Now my tap water reads around 147 so I'm taking it I did it right EHH?
OK all this TDS talk, I went ahead & recalibrate my Hanna TDS tester. I used the solution in a clean & dry container, small enough to submerse the meter deep enough in the small amount of fluid. With a dry meter I turned it on & dipped it into the solution as per instructions & adjusted to 800ppm as per the solution. Now every time I take it out, shake it semi dry until it reads "0" then re-submerse it in the solution it was slightly off, close but not exact. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I used this when I first got it & now that I'm making water again I wanted to make sure she was dead on. I tested the water I'm making yesterday & it read "0" & after the adjustments & testing again it still reading "0" from the RO/DI unit. Now my tap water reads around 147 so I'm taking it I did it right EHH?

It may be close enough but honestly the hanna portables are usually a ways off. I have three of them and none of them are accurate.

Sounds like I need something better, any suggestions?

BTW temp. was at 77DF as per instructions.
i get anywhere from 65 to 150 PPm coemign out of my well. after my RODI, i get 0PPm. If your geting a bunch after the unit, you might want to install a filter b4 the rodi unit.

when my Tds's start going up as soon as i see 1 or 2 im ordering a new filter set