temp problems...

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
University Place, WA
ive been having problems with my system getting way too hot its been consistantly 80-81 which if it was a steady 80 all the time it would be ok but itll fluctuate from 79-83 and sometimes 84 =( any suggestions....i put a fan on it but had a problem with that too where the heater couldnt keep up with the fan cooling off the tank so it would drop it way down to 75 is there something out there that can control a fan to come on if the temp goes up and to turn off if the temp goes too far down? if not im guessing im going to have to get a 1/15 hp chiller....

my guess is its just the equipment heating it up....any idea of what it might be out of this stuff....

29g tank with:

-3 MJ 1200s (1 for flow, 1 for fuge, 1 for skimmer)
-dual sattelite 65w X2
-cascade canister filter 700

those are the only thing that i can think of that contribute heat to the tank... any suggestions on what to change for less heat would be apriciated might be cheaper to change part of the equipment then to get a chiller who knows.

Buy a temperature controller to put the fan on it. Better yet, get a dual controller and hook up your heaters and the fan to it. Ranco makes a good yet affordable unit.
I have my evap fans (4-5" bad boys) hooked up to a controller. They cycle on when the temp reaches 81 and off when it reaches 80. In the past few weeks with the temps in the so cal desert reaching 105f, my tank has made it up to 82f with my mh cycle. This is while keeping my ac set to 78-80. Some pumps/powerheads, some of the more high end ones such as tunze and eheim do run cooler. Might look into switching out a pump or adding another fan to have 2 fans on a controller. After that you might be talking small nano chiller?
I recomend the chiller. It is hard to keep a tank at nice temp without it. You can do it with evaporation but adding a ton of water ever day is not ideal. I love mine and would never have a tank without one. It might be nice to have an auto temp fan and a chiller just in case your chiller stops working. Redundency is nice for your critters.
buy a ranco single or dual... you set it and you forget it..

I have single... i set my heater to 79 (with its own thermostat) and then attach the fan to ranco set to go on 80...

good luck.
buy a ranco single or dual... you set it and you forget it..

I have single... i set my heater to 79 (with its own thermostat) and then attach the fan to ranco set to go on 80...

good luck.

Use the ranco for both even if its a single. Hook the heaters to the NO connection and the fans to the NC connection. This way you have a good controller for both.

how hot is the room the tank is in....

i have a 30 with 3.... 4 power heads and a 2x150 Ive never gone above 81.2

since i put that fan on a timer I dont exceed 79.8 now....

what kind of heater do you have? have you checked for faulty heater...
the room temp will play a big role in this....

have you noticed what time of day the temp spikes and what time of day the temp sinks?

if you spikeing temp at like 2-3-4Pm and sinking at 12-1-2am then i would think that your heater is not right.

but if the heater is On at the hotest point of the day. (thats a hole nother problem)

if the heater is on only when the tank drops. and is off when the tank is spikeing...

sounds like you need to get Inspector gadget like on that tanks butt.