Test Kits

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Active member
Dec 29, 2006
I just started out the reef stuff. And got a test kit it has nitrites, natrites, pH, Ammonia, and phospates what else do i need?

Those are the basics needed, most people will use the Saliflert brand because they are most accurate comparing to most other cheapy kits, it can sometime throw you way off on your levels. When you start keeping corals you will want to test for your ALK, MG & calcium.
Wanna hear something strange??? The more test kits I buy, the less I test!! I'm one kit away from not checking the water at all, but saving that for a special occasion.
Wanna hear something strange??? The more test kits I buy, the less I test!! I'm one kit away from not checking the water at all, but saving that for a special occasion.

Only bad thing is the kits do expire & will again throw you off on the results. I know after a while certain things you can get away without testing because of experience & you know everything is doing ok but sometime you just need to know what is going on in there quickly, then what? :confused: It can get costly I know!
ya, same here

i use to test like crazy till i relized that ever time im testing its the same as b4,

so i test few and far betweem or like scooter said when things look diffrent or i get a ah ah ah what the word im looking for when i get a (feeling) but thats not the word,

damn thats gonna eat me up now
i know it ends in tion