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Reef Monkey

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2006
Hi everyone. Ok I'm going to be honest I'm new to this hobby and I need a little help. What is the best equipment/strips to get to test the parameters of my tank? My tank is going to a nano tank BB 12 gallon tank with hopefully a 75 watt MH and I'm hoping to have an array of different types of coral along with a couple of clown fish. What exactly should I be testing for? I just bought a Refractometer for the salinity, but I know that I also need to test for ph, CA, ALk, Nitrates among other things I'm curious what those other things are and what I need to get to properly test for them. Also how often should I be testing the parameters, daily, weekly? I appreciate any help that any one may be able to offer. I'm excited to get my tank up and see what I can get going.
Salifert is by far the most popular brand of test kits out there IMO. Little more pricey over the others (so I've heard) but I buy nothing else and find it reasonable for the quality you are getting. Too often people complain about nitrate or calcium issues and so forth when they never had a problem but just used bad kits so I say get yourself some Salifert. As for which kits, Mag, calcium and alkalinity are good to keep an eye one. You want these numbers within range of natural seawater if you plan to keep corals to provide them with optimum conditions. In the beginning you may have to test your water for these more often (like every few days) so you can get an idea of how quickly they are being used up and also to help you figure out your doseages of supplements if you need to add any and once you've figured them out, then you can wait a little longer in between testing. Also, you'd want to keep an eye on nitrates. Just a few thoughts...:)
If your looking at a nano check out Krish's 24g pod, slightly bigger but same principle in design & if anyone has it down Krish does!
Welcome to RF!
Someone has the Bug.lol. Good to see you in here Jeff:)

I will keep a eye out for a 70 watt HQI set up for your tank. The three test kits I would look at would be a Salifert Calcium test kit, Salifert Alk/DKH kit, and Magnesium Test Kit. If you are doing water changes often things should be easy. You have a digital thermometer on your tank. You will have a pair of Occelarus Clowns from Elmo on here. You will have a over the back filter for charcoal. You have two Eheim powerheads(brand new from Metzler) for your tank. You have a larger than needed heater. I will bottle up two five gallon water jugs with premixed RO water and salt at salinity 1.026. Our Cool in Laws will be up soon. I said why not take tank up there with you. They say, nope. They said I am setting it up for you.:)
Here is a note from Father in Law, lol. He says OH, Great another one has the bug in the family. I say,You are not buying anything if I can help it.
Your Brother in Law,
Welcome to RF Reef Monkey, hope you enjoy your stay. I see Ed is recruiting once again :) havent seen you around in a while Ed. I would agree with the previous responses of Salifert kits and remember that there is a lot of cool people around here so if you ever need a favor or something like that, there's a lot of people that would be glad to help.

Busted! Yeah I'm poking around in here trying to get things figured out for myself. I have to keep reminding myself not to get too out of hand to soon. I'm already itchin' to get a tank as big as yours, and I don't even have my first tank yet. I just keep telling myself to be patient because with this first tank I want to learn as much as I can, plus the wife and bank account couldn't handle anything as big as yours just yet. One day though, you watch.

I would have to agree that it is the best way to approach the hobby...slowly. I did jump into my 125 a little quick. I bought it from a guy one day out of the blue and was like uhhhh, what am I going to do with this, lol. It's been quite the journey, though if I had to do it all over and start a new tank I would do it, even though its only been up for about 6 months. Just because of all the stuff that I have learned since setting this one up, and all the stuff that I did wrong and wish it were easier to redo. Like the plumbing and the equipment room layout, all that. Just remember that there are no stupid questions, just uneducated ones looking for educated answers :D I still ask them every day.

Good luck with the tank. Oh yeah, open a post in the members showcase forum to show your progress, you'll get a lot of input in there.