The danger of false security - please advise

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
Hello after a long absence, (sorry for the long sob story)

It's been a while since I've posted with any issues - I thought that my tank was this veritable fortress of wonder and health. Sigh. That old tank addage "don't mess with a good thing" rings too true. So here's the deal...

About 8 months ago my hubby and I decided that another 50lbs of LR would look great in our display 125 (which already had 120 lbs going) so we rescaped everything - you know the drill, lots of tubs, pull everything out, reglue corals, wait for the dust to settle and voila! A new tank! Shortly thereafter we began seeing the green hair algae growing on the new rock, then it spread to everything, including my sps.

Now I know the people who will ask, did you cure it? leave it? you dropped it directly into your tank!?! Yes, I did... Sigh, my first batch was from Shark Reef and it has been excellent, and I would say that about this batch too, but now I'm wondering if I messed up. Anyhoo...

As time has gone on, my corals started looking tepid, the hair algae did what it does best and within a couple of month pretty much my entire tank is covered with the stuff. My SPS's are 90% gone, I lost my frogspawn colony (about 9 heads) today I lost my torch (about 7 heads) and I'm at my wits end!

I know that time is of the essense so what to do next? I tried the daily fingers in the tank thing, but it seems to grow back as quickly as I pluck it. I'm running a wet skim (with my Euroreef rated for 200+ gallons) and I'm blowing my rocks daily. I picked up a sea hare and even he isn't getting it under control (he's about two weeks in).

I have three theories as to why this has happened:

1) too much LR, not enough flow
2) Fuge not growing Chaeto fast enough (it's a 55 with rubble rock and macro growth - great pods! - but we aren't culling and growing the Chaeto often)
3) sand bed. - I did remove half of my sand via syphon, with a large WC combined to reduce risk but that was a month ago and it should have leveled out.

Levels: Nitrate 0 Phosphate 0 Ca 300 Kh 9.6 Ph 7.6 Salinity 1.025 Mg 1000

Have I done everything wrong?!!! :confused: I'm lost and overwhelmed.

I really need some of your experience and advice here
I have only 70lbs in my 125, lighter loaded tank I don't see needing more LR.
In my old 100g tank & had about 200lbs & had to deal with the green algae, even after I removed the SB. When It had less rocks, I had less issues, thought of blaming it on clogged LR but now I think it was just too much. Even when I increased flow I still had issues even with lots of cleaning & wc's for months. JMO no science!
What is your lighting?
Brand nitrates kit?
Flow rate and from what?
Fish and what their feeding regimen is?

I have three large emerald crabs in a packed SPS tank and love them.
I miss ya Gal! When ever in doubt do a water change. If you feel pretty secure with parameters of water. Then look for hidden things. When is last time you changed your media in RO/DI unit? How is the air line of your EuroReef Skimmer? I hope to see you at Club meeting soon Shauna.
Your Friend
Alrighty - more info for you:

My returns (2) are mag 24 (2400gph) and mag 7 (700gph) with three seio 720s plus a tunze 700 and a 1/2 sea swirl on a mag 350...

Lighting - two MH 250's (13k) two MH 100's (10k) two compacts and night leds (totally for my pleasure)

My Nitrate kit is Salfert, also for my PH, CA, KH and Mg.

I feed at most once a day, some formula 1 or 2 flakes or pellets.

I have few fish: 1 Tomini Tang, 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Sailfin Tang (all under 7 inches), 1 six line wrasse, 2 blue/green chromis, 1 sailfin blenny, 1 grumpy clarkii clown, and various snails/hermits and a coral banded shrimp (also grumpy!)
That should be sufficient flow!
Phosphates? Sometimes as Ed pointed out, they can sneak up on you and bloom some algae.

Bulb age?
Cleaner crew population?
Last I checked my Phosphates were at null - I had Blue Sierra check em, and they indicated that my spread on prams was good... (about a month ago)

Bulbs are about 4 months
Cleaner crew - about 24 hermits, 15 snails...

Ed - your PM's are full!!! :)
Thanks Fishy - I'm reading that article and it has good advice - I'll up the lighting on my fuge to grow more macro - see if that makes a difference.

I'm also going to replace my RO filters and do a fresh water change this weekend of about 40 gallons (since that's about my limit with bins)

and reduce the lighting on my main tank.

Oh, and double check my skimmer!
your Mg level is a little low along with an unbalanced Ca-dKH ratio... i believe that may be contributing to your algae issues... try bumping it up a little and getting your calcium and alk levels in line with one another... a good couple of water changes using a good salt mix, buffered and balanced when mixed should help level these parameters out... hth
So I am wondering, did this tank have to re-cycle? If the rocks not cured, but added to a healthy system is their still major die off that is feeding the algae?
Yes, I agree, the PH is low. It should be around 8.2 I believe. I also agree on the possibility of die-off causing the algae bloom. Do you have another tank to temporarily house the remainder of your corals? If not, I am sure you can find someone local to babysit them until your tank gets better. I would gladly do it, if you don't mind driving them to Burien.
I am very greatful to all the feedback - I have my work cut out for me tonight :)... and tomorrow night, and the night after that...

Please continue to share your thoughts - I am open to all advise - I really feel like I've lost my finger on the pulse..
Based on your story I would say that the live rock you bought had hair algae on it already. Maybe it was scrubbed off and sold without being cured. That stuff will reconstitute itself after a long long time of being dormant.

Here's a story. I had about 75lbs of live rock form one of my previous systems sitting in a dark barrel of salt water. Heated but with no light. I was trying to kill the HA in this particular batch of rock without boiling or drying it out. Anyways...I figured 6 months in this unlit barrel would be enough time to kill it but I was wrong. After about 30 days in a tank that crap came to life again. So I ended up drying it completely out for about 45 days then with a thorough rinsing it was clean and good to go.

Some of your parameters are off a little but the introduction of good cycled rock shouldn't cause a break out like you described.
Reeferdude, great anecdote and so very true. It's not just coming back to life on the "cured rock" though, it is spreading like a major infestation. The hair algae is well fed and growing faster than being grazed.
Understood. I was thinking of the origin because it sounded like the problem didn't occur until the introduction of the live rock. I would surmise that the die off from the uncured rock spiked the levels of nutrients feeding the reviving algae causing it to grow and spread. I think I would remove all the additional rock. Cure it real good. Then work on the water parameters and the removal of the HA on the older more established rock before re-introducing the additional stuff...
I agree, the addition of the new lr sounds like it brought in the problems. I tried cooking lr months, in tubs & still had the problems, best results I had was actually drying out as mentioned, that & Razor algae is very difficult to get under control & spreads fast.
sob - that is my worst fear!!!! Where does one re-cure 150lbs of LR! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH - just sharing my woe.

Okay - I can do this, I can do this...