More tax dollars hard at work. They fired Pluto. Its not worthy of being called a planet. Now they are going to rewrite the history and science books. My kids high school cant afford books as it is.
I love science but this has turned into a bunch of people arguing about a rock only because it was discovered by a American. It is all politics. They wanted this done a long time ago but "they" would not revoke the planet status because Pluto is the only "planet" of the original 9 that was discovered by an American.unfortunately, some of us do think science is important!
I love science but this has turned into a bunch of people arguing about a rock only because it was discovered by a American. It is all politics. They wanted this done a long time ago but "they" would not revoke the planet status because Pluto is the only "planet" of the original 9 that was discovered by an American. If that is science to you then I guess you rode the short school bus.
This was not started because of Pluto was because they found several other "planets" and had to come up with a real definition of what constitutes what a planet is.
and the whole short school bus is a little degrading to some...can you watch references like that, please. you know some parents on here have kids that may ride that type of bus. geez dude.
What the hell is Pluto going to do now with no job Don ?
What the hell is Pluto going to do now with no job Don ?