Themed tank vs what you like

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2012
Issaquah WA
As I begin my tank I was wondering if more experienced people have discovered having an Austrailan tank or Indo-Pacific or Hawaiin tank is less troublesome than a tank that is mixed with different species from different areas?

If I go with a themed tank such as Australia (because I think the frogfish is awesome) would sources know where their coral originated from?
some corals and fish are found in many different reef sytems...worlds apart( spawn gets around). don't know if that mattters to you or not but may be easier to not worry about point of origin.

for me I would hate to have a pristine geographical tank...and then find a coral or fish i just had to have that came from a differnt place. bummer!
As has been already said, it's tough to make sure they all come from the same area. Hard to prove.
But you can do theme tank as in all the same type of corals.
I did all zoanthids for many years in a small tank. Right now I have a LPS dominated tank with a few encrusting sps.
Sort of a theme.
There are alot of ways to go about it.
Most LFS should be able to tell you where your critters come from or are collected. Many species have absolutely huge ranges. My Sailfin tang came from Bali. But you can find them from around a third of the planet.

IMHO just get what you enjoy and makes you happy :) Like kpiotrowski said it would be awful to have a beautiful great barrier reef tank and them see the most amazing caribean coral you have ever seen. That would be a delema.
im designing a 20g frag tank and the theme will be all black including the sand and all bright neon frags of coral. going for the glow look.
Besides the fish, I've had a themed tank where all of the corals were acquired locally. Even with corals coming from the same area you still have to be careful which you put together because in our tanks, they are in such close proximity compared to in the wild. I put an anemone in my 38gal and took it out probably 2 days later. Just was not enough space for him to find a spot he wouldn't interfere with the other corals. :)

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Those are all Indo-Pacific tanks. It sounds like what you are looking to do is a specific biotope. Many of the fish in the Indo-Pacific region occur in different areas, so it's not about so much as where the specific fish you want came from, but does it exist in the area you are trying to replicate. Google 'hawaiian biotope aquarium" and you will get some good examples.
I think a theme is your choice. I am glad I didn't start with a theme; I was able to try several things out and see what worked and what I liked. I am building my 4th tank now and my smallest at 30 gallons. I love anemones and clowns so the tank will be centered around those two stock items.
Hey Amy, I think 'Theme Tanks' are a great concept weather Geographically or Reef Location yet as others have stated very hard to stay true to. My 125g started out to be an 'All Hawaiian' system after my trip to Oahu to visit my friend Les and bringing back a full cooler of Hawaiian Fish and inverts. I was willing to let everything go Fish & Corals not native to Islands from previous system then... just couldn't part with my Powder Blue Tang then this coral or that coral and that fish and that clam etc...etc... I do have mostly Hawaiian livestock fish-wise but since you cannot collect Stoney Corals from Hawaii only have a few species that are also found in there just nothing endemic. Anywho.... just have FUN with it and let us all know what you decide if you go this route.

Cheers, Todd
I have a temperate(Coldwater) tank that was supposed to be an Oregon coast biotope then along came Catalina gobies and a garibaldi damsel and now my supplier is asking me if I want temperate Aussie fish and I'm like heck yeah!!" Loki applaud you if you can do it:)