Things that are getting out of control

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Nov 18, 2008
Spokane Valley
Ok this might be considered Controversal thread but I hope it is not taken that way. These are some things I have been seeing and are buggin other member just not myself but no one says anything. This is not to point anyone out or attack anyone just more of a general idea of things that might bother other people.

1. Saying you are going to buy something and then not showing up. Not a call or even a PM saying you can't make it.
2. Posting in a selling thread you want it and never answering back.
3. Offering to trade for something you do not have yet
4. Expecting the seller to hold your item without payment.
5. Asking for a better deal than is posted when you know it is already at least 50% off retail.

1. Selling stuff and not posting at least prices.
2. Pictures really help don't get upset if someone asks for some.
3. If you are not willing to ship please be open to making other arrangements.
4. We know you get busy but please try and answer PM's quickly, or post in your PM the best time to get a hold of you or when we should expect a reply.
5. Posting stuff for sale and going on a trip for a week or two. If you post it please be around to answer questions, otherwise please wait until you get back to post.

From time to time people give stuff away, it is a great way to pay it forward and I think most people including myself have given stuff away to help people out. I think everyone that uses freebies to pay it forward.

New Reefers
As a new reefer be prepared to have a hobby that cost a lot of money. This hobby is not cheap and it all costs someone something. If you are starting out I am sure there are several people more then willing to help you get started. On that note, if you have to nickel, dime, and beg for better pricing or free stuff you might want to wait to get into this hobby when you can afford it.

After all if you can't afford the set up how can you afford the upkeep?

Sorry if this offends anyone, it is not meant to, it is what I am seeing and what several of us have been talking about in PM's

We have a great Community here and we would like to keep it that way. Please just be mindful to others and do your best to make this a fun enjoyment for all of us that use this Community.

Thanks for your time and listening to my two cents!
The only thing I don't like here is When people try to talk down a price for something..
You don't go to SAFEWAY and ask them to drop the price of a gallon of milk, why disrespect someone by asking to drop the price..TOTALLY RUDE!!!
If you don't want to pay what they ask, don't buy it...
I agree with you guys totally!

However Adam, IMO Safeway charges too much for a gallon of milk :D (I just couldn't help myself).
I don't have a problem so much with someone offering a lower price as much as someone no showing or showing up late for a deal. I'm also tired of seeing posts asking "wtb cheap corals" or "new reefer please give me free corals"...If you want free or cheap corals do your diligence and keep checking the boards or go to ARSA and check out their $10.00 frag rack only $9.00 with that psas discount. :)
New forum section for those people. Problem solved!!!!

Did you see the most recent post in the tread is "can someone pay my electric bill?"

Just like fish, coral and equipment isnt always free, neither is the electricity. lol
IMO, it would be nice if price bickering was done in PMs.

As far as no shows, people not posting prices or pics, wanting freebies, etc... oh well. Some people are flakes and don't do what they say they're going to do. Try selling stuff on craigslist, boy that's fun. I've never had a no show from someone on reeffrontiers, but several on craigslist. If someone won't list a price or pics for their items, obviously they'll have a harder time selling their stuff and that's their choice. If people asking for hand outs bugs you, don't give your corals to them...

Basically, we can't control the actions of others, so getting upset about it is just a waste of time... my .02
we can't control the actions of others, so getting upset about it is just a waste of time... my .02

I dont think anyone is getting upset this posting is more about venting and letting the beggers it not really a good thing to do in this hobby.

I see since posting this we have had a few more "New Reefer Please give" posts. So nice when people read ahhhhhhhhhh
Totally Free Reading.....

Ok Ok


If you are new to the boards / hobby welcome.

Please do not wear us fellow reefers with the
"I am low on cash"
"I am new what is for free"

If you can't afford the set up you wont be able to afford the upkeep so adjust your budgets, get a better paying job, or save up.

If you feel the price is out of line or you want to make an offer, please use the PM system.

Please show everyone resepct and you will receive it back. Trust me it goes a long ways. You can ask anyone I have sold my equipment and or livestock, they gave me respect I gave them great no AWESOME deals and everyone was happy!

Thanks for enjoying your totally free reading!
I've only been a member since early this year but I usually come on and push the new post button. I don't event get the water fountain or for sale adds unless I look for them. I happen to be in the market for a few things so I have recently been checking the livestock and equipment forums for my items and that's the only time i notice the water cooler section. I'd be surprised those new to RF saw these posts.
IMO, it would be nice if price bickering was done in PMs.

As far as no shows, people not posting prices or pics, wanting freebies, etc... oh well. Some people are flakes and don't do what they say they're going to do. Try selling stuff on craigslist, boy that's fun. I've never had a no show from someone on reeffrontiers, but several on craigslist. If someone won't list a price or pics for their items, obviously they'll have a harder time selling their stuff and that's their choice. If people asking for hand outs bugs you, don't give your corals to them...

Basically, we can't control the actions of others, so getting upset about it is just a waste of time... my .02

If everyone would read our user agreement & try to understand it as we try our best to explain why things are done a certain way. First off Salty, this isn't something NEW, the two for Sale forums are 90% of our issues, always have been & always will, the only solution would be to remove these forums & let people like you sell on Craig's list or E-bay. We provide this as a way to sale items etc. to people that maybe can't afford the high cost of new. This may be Opinionated but it is Our opinion as stated in the user agreement because we try to provide a Reefing forum that is quite, peaceful, helpful & sharing the Love of Reefing. Now all this crap in these two forums actually take away from that concept. If you want more or better sales forums go to RC, try that site awhile & then think about how we do things here, if you don't like it then I suggest you try to find another forum that is better managed. I know & have been a member of most all popular reefing forums that have good reputations & is very helpful, just different than ours.
Brandyrb hit the nail on the head in this post, plain & simple concept. If any of those listed items become an issue then take it in private. We actually state that in the agreement, so maybe re-read it & then if anyone doesn't quite understand it ask us for help in understanding what is meant in the agreement.
I'm not trying to be ugly here just trying to clear this up some, AGAIN LOL
We get this sort of thing every now & then & no matter how much we try to clear things up the questions come up from time to time, actually very often & we rather Keep these two forums than eliminate them.
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