This is just aweful

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Not sure what size that is, but it isn't very wide (front to back). That shark would probably need a tank bigger than that all by itself! One thing I can say though, those rocks sure are algae free for so many fish!:)
:evil: i will go have a talk with this guy:evil: case you didn't know, i passed all my exams and physicals...i am now one of the "TANG POLICE".:p can't believe the two tangs weren't fighting in that tank..that is alot of fish:eek:
I don't know about you guys but i keep seeing more and more schoal tangs in peoples tanks? I thought these were viscous slice and dice kinda tangs?

I may get one now...??
wwouu dood that's a lot of fishes.
I just can't believe they're not fighting or at least it doesn't look like it.
I thought the same thing josh

I figured all of the fish would have been all bit up and very stressed out but amazingly they are not.
That baby regal is awesome but the stupidity of the person trying to keep so many fish in such a small glass cage is awful, I feel bad for all of those fish.
Yet another great example of what makes Forums like here at Reef Frontiers sooo wonderful!!! That poor person probably just went to their local Reef store... and OF COURSE, their stock tanks are that crowded, and they sure aren't going to tell someone "Sorry, you have enough fish"... so buy buy buy!

My first thought was of a 40 gal feeder goldfish tank at the LFS I used to work at, where we would dump 2 or 3 bags of 500 fish into it at a time.
I don't think it works the same with salt fish.

My guess is it is not a holding tank since the comment on the video is: "I know it looks crowded but what good is a tank without fish"