This is what I feed, what do you feed your tank?

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I am Android
Sep 14, 2010
I've noticed a bit of interest in doing this so I thought I would share what I do. I snapped some pic's of what I used this time so you guys could get an idea.

First time around I spent $8 and I made 2 gallon size freezer zip locks of food. But I bought a mixed seafood bag (for sushi). It worked fine and my entire tank loved it (corals and fish included) but I noticed a few additives to it that I thought might be better to avoid this time. So I got all my stuff from the Deli\butcher for the freshness but ended up paying $13. Made about the same if not a bit more (clap) and I most definatly feel it was worth it.

Here we go, I got handfulls of each ingredient listed from the Deli....sorry I didn't take exact time I will pay more attention. Problem is next time isn't for about 3 to 6 months depending on feeding.

Ingredients you may chose to use more or less meat or veggies depending on tank inhabitants. Mine is rather meaty as I have triggers and such.

Nori (1 full bag)

Oysters (1 full jar)



Crab (this is artificial crab made of white fish, they were out of actual crab meat)


White fish (I was going to get a fillet or 2 of cod or salmon)

also mix in your additives or coral foods (cyclopeeze, etc). My self I added 16 mL's of each of these

add about half of all items listed above into blender (Ultimate Chopper for use with blender attachment) and blend. If it is too thick, you can't see it spinning quick at the bottom and slow rotation at the top, then add some water until it meets desired consistency.

Pour contents of blender into 1 gallon Freezer Zip lock bag and lay flat on counter. Attempt to get as much of the air out as possible by slowly pressing on the bottom of the bag and working your way up. You should avoid getting any of the "paste" in the "zip's" of the ziplocks.

After bag is flattened, approximately 1\4 to 1\8 in thickness depending on your desire, seal bag and lay flat on freezer bottom. If unable, as I am, use a cookie sheet or flat square pan

Add remaining ingredients to blender and repeat.

Simply chop into cubes at will or you may pour into ice cube trays or what have you. I just chop off as I need to feed.

You should end up with something like this. Not bad for $13. Benefit, it's a all in one food for your entire reef....and it's $13 for like 6 months worth

This is what I got

Sample of pan to use to flatten food when freezing. Note pan is square and the ziplocks should be approximately same depth as this pan

to add to your food prep.....i use a large baking pan and a piece of eggcrate cut out to the same size as the baking pan. press in the eggcrate leave in freezer for about 2 hours then remove eggrate and now you have cubes you can just break off!!!

edit: i also use selcon, beta glucen, minced fresh garlic, osterfeast mixed in as well
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I'd be careful with that imitation crab meat, as it probably contains all kinds of things that you don't want to feed your tank, such as: Sugar, sorbitol, wheat or tapioca starch, egg whites, and vegetable or soybean oil, etc.

Also, I'd avoid the Salmon as most red meated fish contain way more oils that we want to add to our tanks.

If you read through some of Lee's stickies, you'll find lots of great information on making your own foods, including some foods to avoid, and reasons why.
+1 on removing the imitation crab meat..little nutrition value for the fish and might add nutrients to your tank that you don't want..
This is actually my old batch of ingredients, I don't use the salmon or imitation crab anymore.
I would go to cash and carry and get the little solo cups with lids so you have a daily feeding in each so then you dont have to expose your food to air each time you need some less frost bite..
They are cheep and they work great!
I have been sorting the big bags into smaller "weekly" feeding bags.
I've heard that you should also skip the scallops in addition to salmon and anything imiation wise (such as the krab).


p.s. very good write up
to add to your food prep.....i use a large baking pan and a piece of eggcrate cut out to the same size as the baking pan. press in the eggcrate leave in freezer for about 2 hours then remove eggrate and now you have cubes you can just break off!!!

edit: i also use selcon, beta glucen, minced fresh garlic, osterfeast mixed in as well

Love the egg crate idea. Perfect little cubes everytime. :D
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