Thought I'd Say Hello

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2011
Shelton, WA
Hi all,
I've been around a while checking things out. Was referred here by IPisces and some other members of the PSAS so I thought I would finally say hi. I'm from Shelton WA and am currently smack dab in the middle of cycling my 75. Everything seems to be going great. I had my tank up and running before I moved so this is my second tank and the last one went great so I'm hoping everything will go as well as last time and better in fact now that I know a whole lot more from both experience from the last tank and more knowledge from places like this.

I do have a question...I have a CPR PF-1000 overflow box on my tank and before that I had a PF-800. I thought my old overflow box was just too slow but now I'm discovering that's not the case. I simply wasn't getting the water down to the sump fast enough and this morning the only way I found that I could increase flow was to completely remove the prefilter box. Now that it's out of there the flow is amazing and I have my return pump dial opened all the way instead of closed almost all the way. Anyone experienced this issue or know how to fix it? Is this something simple to remedy with having the prefilter box on there? It's at times like these that I feel like I still have a LOT to learn! :)

Thanks all!
Welcome to the forum! On the overflow, I ran a CPR years back but never had an issue with flow. :)

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Hey there :welcome: to Reef Frontiers hope you enjoy the ride. As for the overflow box try placing a length of airline tubing down the drain to vent and see if that helps. Also is your outlet end submerged or above waterline in sump ??? This may be creating back pressure by trapping air as well.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks for the welcomes!
I have a DIY silencer on each drain that came with the overflow I bought. In or out they don't change the flow just the noise level. One drain tube is under water and the other is above. Again those don't seem to affect it. It was as simple as lowering and removing the prefilter box and all the airbubbles went away in the U-tubes and the flow went from basically a drip to a waterfall (exaggerating but you get the point) which is what I was hoping for so there is real turnover in the tank.

The issue I see is any crabs or fish or anything living getting sucked into the U-tubes now that the prefilter box is out of there once it's done cycling.
You could always just dial back your return pump so it matches the down-flow from your box to - and say, heck with it, this is how it is :) Do you have a gate valve on your return line so you can dial it in??
Yeah I can dial my return pump into different flow settings. I was hoping to get more flow not the same amount no matter what overflow I used.

BTW I just realized I said it was a CPR and it's not it's the Eshopps model PF-1000...I don't think that matters much but maybe since they are different designs.
Alright so chalk this one up to being stupid. I hadn't been paying attention to my water levels and so when I switched out the overflow box I neglected to notice that my water levels were low. I added some water this AM and now I've got my overflow box with the prefilter installed and my return pump opened up all the way on the dial and its all in balance. At least it was something simple and me being stupid and not something else.

And once again this proves how much I still have to learn. :mmph: