Thouroughly beat down....gotta keep going

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Mr. Reckless
Apr 3, 2009
Well once again a large tank is beating my *&%. I forgot all the difficulties that can arise in doing not only a large tank build, but also a transfer of livestock.

I will get into a bunch of details in the build thread that will go up in the coming days, but I just needed to vent. So far I have had the classic bulkhead and fitting leaks....midnight forgot that one 90* elbow in the middle of plumbing. My break siphon design didn't work the first I had to redo it with the pipes wet....and somehow forgot to turn the Reeflo Dart off and shot water up the wall...oops. It looks like the new one will work, but I need to wait til the pvc glue/RTV 103 dries to test it. Flow from the 4 vortechs is awesome I set it up in a continuous gyre and have the return going through the valley. The 2 AI Sols are defintley not enough though. I also cracked the 75 back pane after I had a buyer ready to get Soo there goes that money. To top it all off I have lost several very expensive SPS frags and one of my aurora gobies decided he HATED the new tank and bailed while I was at work.

Anyway I am in the home stretch now. I have a couple plumbing issues left to straighten out and then need to clean up and design an electronics panel, then finally stain and place the trim around the tank edge.

sooo much work.
LOL....dang man! Guess i dont want ur 75 either now....

good thing about coral is that they dont jump out of the tank! Sry man....stresses of setting up and doing a tank swap.
I swapped a 10gal to a 20L and didnt lose a thing! How did u lose all ur coral?
I sent you a PM. I think I have an offer on that 75 I don't think you can pass on.

For anyone else. The cracks aren't all the way through just bulk head cracks really that I can repair with RTV. If anyone has a 75 or 90 I can drill your tank for free to make it a peninsula and I will sell the stand, plumbing and 50 breeder sump for 100$
Honestly not sure. I transferred them all to a brand new 40B with heater controlled and an Mp10 then did an acclimation to the new tank and have tons of flow. A good handful went into RTn and died. I assume it is just a stress reaction and righting it off as I tried and failed. Oh well.
Sorry to hear you had some casualties. Going into any transfer you should expect it.
It took me 4 days to do my transfer.
Look at the good side. You made mistakes, yes, but you learned something from it.
You will always have to tweek a new system to some extent, its all part of the game.
Many hands make work lite, Two heads are better than one.

Yep Ish happens LOL. I am over it and will restart once the tank settles in a month or two with the SPS. It will just be a pain finding some of those frags again. I promise pics guys....I've been putting about 10-12 hours into the tank over the last 3 days and I am finally seeing the light.
2 MP 40ES and 2 MP 10 ES. I have really good flow so I;m happy. I may still add a MP 60 down the road for kicks. LOL Thanks for the complement on the system. Once I get the return straightened out I just have the electrical to clean up and over the next month or so I'll build the doors and back fascia to hide the overflow plumbing.
I would start with 1 MP10 and go from there. I think it would be plenty powerful. If you find a good deal on a 40 though use that.
i cant find a deal on those things at all! It seems everyone that has one wants to keep em...they are damn expensive as well!
Thanks dude vortech said 2 mp 10 in sync but I want less cords I might sell my new mp 10 and get a 40I don't want a to buy a 2nd mp10es
Well it lets you use all the faetures you paid for...sync anti sync etc. Plus you can make your own swells by mixing things like one on reef crest one on NTM...or one on reef crest one on lagoon.
Yup The orginal reason I bought the ecoteck was to keep the heat down now I Ned more LEDs for the new tank I don't want to run a chiller