Thrive opinions

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Vancouver, Washington
So my LFS stands by this company thrive. Rants and raves about their product line. Says its all he uses in his shops 700 gallon display tank. Anyone use this product? And can rant about it like does?. I've looked at a lot of reviews but I've learned fast that they can't always be trusted.

HTC tapatalk
I heard about them at seamaxx. I havent heard anything good or bad about them personaly. If you do try them out, i would be interested in what you think.
Ok sorry its been awhile since I've updated but I wanted to use the thrive product for a bit before I posted my opinion. So first off I was having an issue of keeping my mag up

It says to use 5ml for every 5 gallons, until desired levels are reached. I kinda felt like that was a lot. So my mag was at 830. I wanted it at 1300. So I dosed 10ml the first day. Then checked my levels the next. My mag was at 950. I then dosed it again, following the same 10ml, rose to 1050. I did this for about 2 more days and got my levels to 1300. Once I hit that I decided to let it ride to see how long it lasted. And was surprised! 2 days later it was still 1300. 4 days later 1200, 5 days later still 1200. The levels stay pretty high. I don't use a lot of equipment only a cheap skimmer, and I dose mag 1 every Sunday and only 10 to 15ml. My mag stays in between 1200 and 1300. It only cost 15 bucks 20.3 oz (600ml)
Now second issue....... I had a lot of phosphates and nitrates I didn't want up add more liquid chemical since I was already dosing the mag.
So I bought this, also from thrive


Ok so I used 56ml in my jbj 28 gallon, this product was ment for 250 gal tank. I spent 50 bucks on this, and this will last me more than a year. Worth the purchase. And it didn't take 4-6 weeks to start working, I noticed a drop within the first week. I was sitting at .5 ppm of Phosphates, and and 10ppm on nitrates. After the first week phosphates down to .25ppm and after second week 0.0ppm. Nitrates was down to zero in 3 weeks. With only 3x15% wc.
I have not used their calcium product cause I haven't really needed to use it yet, but I'm sure as my coralline algea grows I will, and will post those results as well

Oh and yes I'm satisfyied with thrive, simple directions, results are what they say. And you do not have to put the bio-stimulant in a reactor. I put it in a mesh bag by a baffle in my rear section of my jbj in the flow. Works just as good.

It works well. It works especially well if you have a local store that uses Thrive because you can record all your params and then print off what the report says and bring it in and the store should be able to hook you up with whatever stuff you may need to get your tank in balance.

I just use it to record my tanks params to keep a log of everything and since it does all the heavy lifting for me I like it.