To Paint or Not to Paint...???

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
Ok, I realize this is an OPINION question but lets see what comes...

I have a 155BF that I am ALMOST done converting from Tropheus my first REALLY big reef. My question is regarding painting the back. ALL my other tanks fresh and salt have been painted. I am debating on this one as I have been able to clear the field of view behind the tank of visible clutter and think it might be nice to have a 360 deg view of this tank. Any thoughts on this? Pros/cons?


I have painted mine as well in the past but I decided to go with the industrial look this time lol. The back of the tank felt too closed off and smaller when I started painting it this time. I removed the paint and I'm much happier. It kinda depends what's all behind the tank ie cords, ugly plumbing, etc. I installed a cord cover and my plumbing looks respectable so I kept myself from painting. ;)
In my case, it's a bow front so the left and right or shorten slightly by the corner overflows. So it becomes like a picture frame through the back of the tank, and I have nothing but a blank mustard yellow wall behind.

You will be able to see my turf scrubber if you walk around back, but it's just a tote on a small stand draining back into my sump.
