Todd, it's your day!!!!!

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Ok, so today is Todd's, TJL, 50th birthday. We all need to get creative and wish some birthday cheer his way....The goal is to get 50 creative wishes, one for each year of his magnificent life. I will start.

The time has come and it's finally here
to light a candle (50) and spread some cheer
its your birthday and we are going to celebrate
so blow out your candle(s)
let's have a hell of a day.

You take all of the experience and judgment of men over 50 out of the world and there wouldn't be enough left to run it.
- Henry Ford

Happy Birthday!
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Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.

Happy Birthday Todd!
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There are many advantages to being 50.......just ask someone who's 80. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Todd!! A Bahamian folk song goes..

"Age ain't nothing, but a number"
"You're just as old as you feel"

"Just like wine"
"I get better all the time..."

Have a good one Todd!! :)
Funny thing is Todd is prolly in the ocean diving collecting fish while we are wishing him a happy birthday.

WOW! Thanks much guys. I really couldn't ask for a better Birthday except for my wife being in China instead of sharing my passion of the tropical reefs in here in these incredibly beautiful Hawaiian Islands. I night dived last night on the East shore collecting Yellow, Dussimier, Kole, and Palefin Unicorn Tangs Auriga, Raccoon, Lemon, Ornate and Teardrop Butterfly Fish swimming amungst Porite Pocillopora and Acropora colonies 100's if not 1000's of years old. Many of the Porite colonies were larger than VW Beetles, the Acros were a beautiful beige white with baby blue growth tips. Didn't finish getting fish into medication vats until 3am then back up at 7am to bag/pack a huge order to the airport and going to NY. Picked up fresh SW for changes and when back cleaned up our mess quick nap then we're heading back to the tidepolls for one last time.
This (Les's) occupation is a helluva lot of work but, WOW how cool it is!

Cheers/Mahalo, Todd