Too many baby Snails?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Apr 17, 2009
When all the lights went out on my 250 DT last night I took a flashlight to look for copepods and was shocked to see tons of little baby snails everywhere! I counted 42 on the back wall alone; they were all over the rock and sand as well. Some were the 1/2 the size of a pencil eraser and some even smaller.

Being relatively new to reefkeeping I am curious about this snail population explosion. Is this a comman occurance? Will I have a big problem when these snails eat everything and then die? Should I do anything?

Thanks for any comments and advice.
I see hundreds of them in my 55 gallon tank when the lights go off so it is just part of having a healthy reef tank. I believe the ones in my tank are Collonista snails. Try searching those and see if thats what yours look like.
I see hundreds of them in my 55 gallon tank when the lights go off so it is just part of having a healthy reef tank. I believe the ones in my tank are Collonista snails. Try searching those and see if thats what yours look like.

i have hundreds in my tank depending on what type there good
I see hundreds of them in my 55 gallon tank when the lights go off so it is just part of having a healthy reef tank. I believe the ones in my tank are Collonista snails. Try searching those and see if thats what yours look like.

I looked up Collonista snails and yes, that is exactely what they are! Thanks for the info - I won't worry now.