top off: kalkwasser or saltwater

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2008
my tank only loses maybe 1-2 gallons a week, more like 1. and i do water changes every two weeks or so at about 20 gallons...

basically what is the benefit of kalkwasser vs saltwater top offs?

i dont think a few cups of saltwater a day will make a salinity spike of any kind, hovering around 1.024ish i think it will take a lot more than 2 gallons to make it even go to 1.025...and with water changes i can easily keep it at a stable salinity range.

salt mix also has calcium so i dont see why kalkwasser is even there any real explanation or is it just easier or what?
It depends on your calcium needs. A highly and even a low stocked SPS tank will quickly use up the calcium in the way your describing. A low stocked LPS you may be fine. The addition of Kalk will also aid in your PH levels. Each tank is different and every tank is a constant juggling act:)

Whats in your tank and what are you planning to add?
Size tank?
Calcium levels using your method?
You would top off with fresh water, not salt water. Salt doasn't leave the tank. Test the cal levels in your made up water before you do a water change to see what it's at. I was having trouble with cal levels in my tank and turned out the levels in the made up salt water were very low.

As Ken said, you'd never top off with saltwater. If you did this, your SG level would continuously climb. As water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind, in the tank. So you'd top off with freshwater. Some salt mixes have a low Ca. Topping off with Kalk will help raise your Ca level. However, Ca is only part of the equation. You need to know your Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium levels. These are all important and need to be balanced with one another. Using Kalk when you're NOT balanced will only move you farther from being balanced. There's lots of great reading here on RF about the importance of balancing these elements in our reef tanks.

There's 2 great links in my signature that may help. One is for a 3 part DIY recipe for making Ca, Alk and Mg supplements. The other is to a great Reef Calculator to help you get and stay balanced.

Once balanced, the addition of Kalk for your top off water will go a long way towards helping you stay balanced.
As stated before never top off with saltwater. Salt do not evaporate like water it is removed manually via water change unless you run your skimmer real wet, that can remove some salt from your tank and that is when you have to monitor your salinity closely and top off with salt water to maintain proper salinity. I myself have been topping off with kalkwasser for the past 6 or so months with good results my Ph stays between 8.1 and 8.3 depending on time of day my Alk 8-9dkh, Calcium 400-440 and magnesium I supplement once a month and that maintains at 1300-1400. I have a 40b and evap a lil over 1g a day.
so any suggestions on a kalkwasser or is it all about the same? and anywhere i can get it without 10$ for shipping on a 10$ item? i checked 2 LFS's and didnt see anything i liked
I use Mrs. wages pickling lime. Its cheap and does the same thing as the stuff from the LFS. Kalkwasser is the German word for Pickling Lime I beleive.
I also use Mrs Wages Pickling Lime. You can find it at most larger grocery stores or at Walmart in the Canning dept. Mix it 2 tsp/gallon or RO water. It's also great to use for eradicating Aiptasia. Mix it to toothpaste consistency and using a plastic medical dosing syringe, inject a small amount of the paste into their mouths and watch them melt away!!
sounds good ill def. pick that up this week and kill the few aiptasias i have...