Torn Lip -- Yellow Watchman Goby

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Sep 12, 2007
Northeast, Pennsylvania
Hello Fellow Reefers:

I am having a great deal of difficulty keeping fish alive in my Aquapod 12G. I lost two fish about 3 months ago. The current inhabitant is a Yellow Watchman Goby. I also have several hermits and snails. As well as two mushroom corals, a sea anemonie, orange start polps, carribean feather duster, several sponges and gogorians, finger leather coral.

My levels are within there ranges for Nitrate, Nitrite, Alkanlinity, and pH. Haven't done a calcium test in sometime and it isn't due for at least two weeks, but that was well within it's range. Temperature of the tank runs in between 73 F to 80 F.

Yellow Watchman Goby:

History - shortly after receiving him I noticed that near his gills, but not on them he a definite red vein that was showing from his skin. Over the next week or so I've been watching him and he appeared to be getting better till I noticed last night that his lip has been torn. It's almost looks like something cut his lip in two and the bones are starting to show. I have no idea what it could be and he has no other signs except when he attempts to eat sometimes. It looks as though he is eating peanut butter and it is sticking to the roof of his mouth.

Pictures (sorry about the quality of the pictures, good camera is at work)

As you will see from the two images that the appears to be both blood and white markings around his lips. I know that the lower lip is cut in two and the bone seems to be showing. The upper lip seems to have no signs of damage, but there does seem to be a part of the upper lip that is coming lose almost like a piece of fingernail.

I'll attempt to get the camera from work to get better pictures posted. Please let me know what I can do as this fish has given me a great deal of happiness and personality in the short time period I've gotten to know him. Thanks for your help.

Joseph Petry
Owner & Marine Aquarist
Calming Creations
Any other fish? they get teritorial i bet hes been scrapping with another goby.
Mouth Wars

You bring up a good point. There are no other fish, but I've suspected for sometime that there maybe a brissleworm or britle star that is in his cave. It is actually in the rock and I have tried for sometime to remove him, but if you have any suggestions that would be helpful. There is a mushroom and anemonie on the rock.

Also, if you have any suggestions for caring for the goby that would help him heal?

I agree with Jim. I bet he is scrapping with something. In such a small space perhaps some new exciting caves would stop the war. A new rock maybe? Rearrange rocks?
My mini mantis and my yellow watchman fought for about 2 weeks now they live peacefully at opposite ends of my 55 tall. The goby as well as the mantis have certainly taken a toll on my pods!!!!! Maybe a little more food would help?
ever since i picked up a pistol shrimp, mine has stopped the scrapping behavior, he used to push fish out of his area with his mouth and has been seen having mutiple battles with the other fish, now he retreats into the cave w/ the shrimp when anything aproaches.

ever seen cychlid mouth wars?

Yellow watchman have the same behavior at times, maybe this happend before you got him.
I have just rearranged the tank so the rock he was using as a cave is no longer usable. I've also found out that he as another cave he uses in the back.

While moving the rocks I found a small bristle worm which I moved in the sump portion of the tank.

I'll be looking into a hospital tank to put him into so I can make sure he has no infections. Looking for more suggestions as unable to get the work camera, but it will be available tomorrow so I'll update the pictures.


You'll probably going to continue to have problems. I'll keep this short since this is an old thread. . .You're trying to put square pegs into round holes. That is, the fish you want don't belong in that size aquarium.

The current trend and craze for miniaturizing marine tanks is doable, but they can't be expected to carry the load of a full sized marine system. Fish in that sized aquarium need to be less than 2" long when they are adults. And then, probably only one fish that size is suitable.

The small marine aquariums are particularly good for a limited invertebrate/coral display but not for the vast majority of the 25,000 marine fishes.

There are many posts you may wish to take some time and read, assuming you are inclined to read up on things:
Fish Stocking Limit – for FO and FOWLR
Fish Stress – General

Check over this post for other links you may be interested in reading:
Table of Contents and Link List
