Trapping fish

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How long is it safe to leave a trap in the tank with food in it? I don't want to cause an issue from rotting food but I don't know how long that takes. We are using frozen Mysis right now and it's been soaking in there for a few hours. When should we take it out or change it?
Maybe someone will know better....I can tell you when I tried catching the mantis shrimp we had....I ended up catching our peppermint shrimp 1st.
well when I was trying to recapture the shrimp from my fuge after I caught the mantis. 1 shrimp went in trap I waited about 2 hours to catch the 2nd.....was too long 1st died in that time.

so with no livestock in trap I wouldnt go beyond 3-4 hours before changing for fresh if you havent caught your target yet. IMO

Personally, I would remove it after a day.

You might try putting red film over a flashlight (fish do not see the color red).

the key to this is the room has to be completely dark (as you want to catch the fish off guard (excuse the pun)) not turn on any light to a room otherwise the fish will be startled..

For example, I had a pair of cinnamon clowns that were tough to catch...I ended up catching them easily at 2am with red film over a flaslight and a net.
That's great Kirk. Now I have an excuse to stay up all night playing with the fish :D.
leave the trap in the tank for a few days let the fish get use to it. then add food to it....if you do not succeed in catching the fish take the food out of the trap. then try again the next day. worked every time i need to trap a fish..

what type of trap are you using.
leave the trap in the tank for a few days let the fish get use to it. then add food to it....if you do not succeed in catching the fish take the food out of the trap. then try again the next day. worked every time i need to trap a fish..

what type of trap are you using.

that's what i've done in the past.

leave it in for a couple days without messing with it at all.
Then maybe feed near it one day, then bait it the next. If the fish is really leary, try leaving a little fresh food inside for a day or two. Hopefully it will get use to going in the trap.
I taped up towels over the front of the tank so the fish couldn't see me on the day I was going to try and spring the trap.
Sometimes it can take a week, sometimes the fish will go right in the first time you bait it.
leave the trap in the tank for a few days let the fish get use to it. then add food to it....if you do not succeed in catching the fish take the food out of the trap. then try again the next day. worked every time i need to trap a fish..

what type of trap are you using.

Just have a DIY trap made from a pop bottle. We just put it in this afternoon so we will probably take the trap end off so they get used to swimming into it for food and then try in the next day or two with the trap end back on.
Just have a DIY trap made from a pop bottle. We just put it in this afternoon so we will probably take the trap end off so they get used to swimming into it for food and then try in the next day or two with the trap end back on.

did you get in touch with roscoe?
I left him a PM but no answer yet. I'm sure he will answer this evening.
I had a Damsel that was a PIA, I finally pinched the barb off a small hook, put some shrimp on the hook and in 30 seconds the fish was hooked and out of the tank. Draw the drapes or the people next door will think you are crazt. lol
to be honest, I was going to try this until someone suggested red film over a flashlight..I caught the male in 2 secs..however the female took about 15 mins...
I think I'm going to try this tonight Kirk. Just need to find some red film somewhere. Any ideas? What did you use?
red window film would any craft or home improvement store should carry it.

when I used it, I didnt turn any lights on..i already had the red film over the top of the flashlight with a the only light on was the flashlight..the minute they see white light..all bets are off..I also had my net in position so all i had to do is shine the light, net and scoop.

bring some patience to this event, it is needed...good luck to you.
Yea, you could get a red keychain led from somewhere. GI Joe's or something. Or a red LED headlamp. Any outdoor supply would have. I'd guess target would also.

If you want red plastic, you can buy it at a theater lighting place (ask for a red gel) They use them to cover high powered lights in theaters to make pretty colors on stage. They might even just give you a scrap because you don't need much.