U.S. Considers Endangered Species Protection for 82 Stony Coral Species

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 27, 2008
Global warming activists could have an impact on our hobby:

It's apparently a ploy to sue ANY industry they deem a threat based on CO2 emissions. I doubt they will be successful, but these folks are kooks.

Once a species is listed as endangered, sanctions are levied against anyone who “takes” a specimen. “Taking” is defined as “harassing, harming, pursuing, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, collecting, or any attempt to do these things to a member of the endangered species.” The petitioners believe that they can use the Endangered Species Act to bring legal action against entities emitting CO2 and to force the government to establish marine protected areas.

“The status review is an important step forward in protecting coral reefs, which scientists have warned may be the first worldwide ecosystem to collapse due to global warming,” says Miyoko Saka****a, oceans director at the Center for Biological Diversity, based in San Francisco. “Endangered Species Act protection can provide a safety net for corals on the brink of extinction.”

The group says it has "255,000 members and online activists," and in its tax filing for 2008 showed total revenues of more than $9 million. Among its current campaigns are efforts to save sea turtles, Beluga Whales, ancient Redwood Trees, and the Okinawa Dugong. Other activities of CBD include the distribution of 100,000 free “condoms for endangered species,” in hopes that human population growth will be slowed. Handed out across the country on Valentine's Day, the slogan on one of the six different condom packets reads: “Wrap with care, save the polar bear.”

I hope the next anual "Bob Moore" event doesn't have to be Underground

Plus couldn't you just see a bunch of Reefaholics sitting next to DRUG Dealers in the State Pen systems

oh no my friend, these would be federal crimes. you end up in one of those cushy federal prisons....like the one the guys in Office Space thought they woudl go to :lol:
OH, You then mean we'd be sitting next to Counterfieters, Terrorists, Kidnappers and maybe that Maddof guy