Unhappy Anemones

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Jun 29, 2010
Puyallup, Washington
About 2 weeks ago I purchased a RBTA. She hasn't fully opened up but is eating Tiger Shrimp.

Thursday I picked up a GBTA. She is backwards in that she opens up when the lights are off and closes when they are on. She doesn't open fully either. I haven't fed her but I'm going to tonight since she is a night owl.

I do weekly water changes and tested all my parameters and everything looks great. Any ideas on how to make these 2 Anemones happier? I have T-5 lighting, 3 K3's in a 55 gallon tank.

Thanks for an ideas.
bta's don't like too much flow. How much are they getting? is there a lower flow area in your tank? Also it may take the new one some time to adjust.
The RBTA isn't getting much flow as she is on the bottome. GBTA is a little higher up and is getting medium flow. I can try and move him down.
they usually moved to where they want to be. if you had too much flow in the tank then they would always be moving. give them some time to get acclimated to their new lighting and water parameters. how long did you acclimate them for? also how old is the tank?
IMHO , your tank needs to be 12-18 months old before introducing BTA. At 6 months old, your tank is still maturing and your chemistry is still settling in. With that said, they will wonder until they are happy, you need to make sure that they can not get sucked into your power heads. Also on a 55, I do nOt think that you have enough lighting to maintain them. A lot will disagree, but I have had BTA's for 5 years under MH, even in my old 55 they were under 250 mh and 300 T5, now in my 125 they are under 500 mh and 300 T5's, they require high out put lighting and as far as flow, they will go where they get what they want.
I have two extremely happy RBTAs currently in my 55gallon tank under T-5 lighting. My suggestion would be to stop feed them for a while especially if it is large food at all. It is quite a bit of work for nems to digest large food and you are also making them less dependent on the light. Give them time to adjust without being messed with. Eventually after they acclimate to the change in lighting they will begin to reach out for the light. Also have they lost any coloration? Are the feet of the nems well planted or are they still continuously moving?
No color loss. I set the RBTA in and she planted her foot on a rock instantly. The GBTA I got came on a rock already and she hasn't moved off of it either.
My personal suggestion would be the following:

For the RBTA - stop feeding it for now, or permanently if you see it getting any food when feeding your fish. At most if you are someone who wants to feed your nems I would say once a week.

For the GBTA - If possible I would carefully move the rock with the GBTA on it into a shaded area of your tank where the rock is still abutting the rest of your live rock. This will give it time to adjust to your lighting and perhaps find it's way to a happier location.

After moving the GBTA try not to disturb either nem for a while. No feedings, no trying to get them to move.
No problem, please keep us updated. Anemones can be finicky things especially after being moved. They are also a subject that people have a lot of different methods. So keep in mind this is just what has worked in my tank.
I'll let you know what happens. I got both these Anemones hoping my clowns would host them but since the BTAs aren't reaching yet it's a no go. Patience I guess! lol.
I wouldn't expect your clowns to hop right into the nems anyways. I have heard stories of clown going right in the first day. However, I took my clowns around 4months before they realized how nice nems are.
That long, dang. I guess I just need to learn patience then. By the way. I just read your build thread and good luck with the bigger tank. Also you have an awesome tank! I to switched over from a 55 gallon Freshwater tank.