updated tank pics

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commercial coral diver
Nov 18, 2005
hey all been awhile scince i took some tank pics for u all to see sorry if any are blury i cant get the best settings from my canon A70
any way here u all go
cheers for the comment Aquatic guru
here are some more pics from the 3 foot fowlr but sum othere things that came on the rocks
does anyone know what kind of hawk fish this is i was thinking falco hawk fish is the only name i have for it i dont think its is the fish archive?
anyway enjoy
Looking good Morgan! Thanks for updating your pics! I havent seen any shots of your tank in a long time:)
I find that if you resize to 800x600 they come out better.

Nice pics anyway, just some advice.
Morgan you got some kewl stuff dood i mean mate :) !!
In post #3 what's the thrid picture... you know the little green thingy ?
and in post #6 the second picture, what's the orange thingy behind the rock?
:D just curious.
the 3rd post 3rd pic is a bright green discomorph
and in the 6th post.. do u mean 5th post second pic
well thats a big orange star who likes to eat my discomorphs tryn to figuer oput what to do with it still
and i will try that 800 x600 res
cheers all
kewl !!!
i can't believe that start is that huge .
very nice dood very nice
what dose the start that is huge?
cheers for the kind comments
which one the one with the female with the small tail or the male with the awsome lines? i have thought about removing the femlae for a smaller one with better markings and tail
heres sum more pics
did sum 1 say panda