Upgrading Aquarium

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Everett Wa.
I will be upgrading my 90g to a 150 gallon tank, Anyone have a thought on how long it would take for the new tank to mature if I use some live rock and water from my old tank to "seed" my new tank. I plan on using dry rock like marcos rock for the rest of the rockwork.

I read http://www.reeffrontiers.com/threads/28484-The-Mature-Aquarium
but if I use life rock that is only out of the water for minutes I wont have a die off period. And that article doesn't talk about transferring sand or water.

I want to break down my 90g as soon as I can but I don't want to transfer my fish or coral before my new tank is mature enough.

I know a lot of people have upgraded tanks, what have your experiences been with this sort of thing?
I transferred my 120 into a 330 and had no issues. I kept a powerhead in the 330 and kept doing 30% water changes in the 120 and adding the old water into the 330 along with an equal amount of new water till I had enough to move my LR into it. Then I filled it up the rest of the way and let everything settle for a few days till I transferred the fish. I also got new livesand and seeded it with a few cups of my old sand. I lost nothing when I did this.