Urgent help needed!!!!

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Dec 13, 2008
Hi all. We need some urgent help for our 300 Gallon. About two weeks ago, we got two clownfish, and a purple tang from one of our fish guys. Since putting them into the tank, we have had multiple deaths inside the tank and are now trying to save our fish. About two days ago a huge Emperor Angel died, our two clownfish are on their last legs and our Tomini Tang is swimming upside down and barely hanging on. The only thing we are seeing with all of the fish thus far is a whitish coat on the whole fish.... we have cleaner shrimp, some hermit crabs, anenomes, some Tangs, some Clowns and some angels still remaining in the tank and we are BAFFLED.....can anybody shed some light....we're desperate to save our fish.....

PS- All the levels are good in the tank.....
There are some basic considerations: The new fishes were added too fast. Even though you own a 300, you want to add fish to it slowly and one at a time (when mated pairs aren't involved). Another consideration is that the new fish were added without proper quarantine. Also, if other fishes and marine life were added to the marine system without quarantine, then you can expect parasites and diseases to be 'hanging around.' Lastly, the addition of many new fishes creates stress on those already there AND the newly added fishes (so far not acclimated to captive life or their tank mates). These all then spirals into a disease outbreak.

The diagnosis of the disease is of course the most important. Since Anemonefishes quite often bring with then a disease called Brooklynellosis and since that disease displays in many ways (which includes but isn't limited to fast breathing, excess mucous being produced, internal organ damage, death within a few hours to days, etc.) I would guess this is the most likely culprit.

Because Brook is so prevalent among Anemonefishes, I perform a prophylactic treatment on them all for Brook while, they are in quarantine. Brook doesn't usually get into my display.

Only you can tell if Brook or some other disease is at work here. Search the Internet for more info on Brook if you want. Maybe find some photos of fishes with Brook, BUT keep in mind that Brook has many symptoms not all of which will display at the same time or in all cases.

If you decide it IS Brook, then treat the other fishes for it. There are two treatments to choose from. A series (every other day for 5 treatments) of freshwater dips/baths, or a series of Formalin treatments. The latter one is most thorough but harder for the hobbyist to do. Each of these treatments is done by first putting ALL the fish into a hospital tank(s) and keeping them there 4 weeks AFTER the final treatment.

or. . .
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Thanks very much for the prompt response. We were busy reading up on Brook last night and faced the aftermath of the disaster this morning. Overnight we lost 2 Clarkii Clowns, 2 Tomato Clowns, 1 Skunk Clown, 3 Damsels, 1 Koran Angel, 1 Orange Finned Tomini Tang, 1 Dory....and my beloved little Dog Faced Puffer. They were dying so fast there wasn't anything we could do....I thought I had gotten my Doggles out in time but I guess not. The tank right now has only 5 fish.... 2 Yellow Tangs, 1 Purple Tang and 2 Sailfin Tangs...
For those of you who have your beautiful tanks on display, wow....this saltwater thing is alot of work.....we loved our fish alot but were very naive and inexperienced.....
Thanks for the help though.....we will see where to go with the tank in a few days time (maybe start from scratch) and we will be the wiser for it......I just cried so much for my Dog Faced Puffer.....it was so sad.....