Very Disappointed in Shipment

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Fish Whisperer
Jul 9, 2011
I ordered a couple of mushrooms and a nudibranch. They arrived today via FedEx packed in a styrofoam box inside a cardboard box.

The problem was, there were no heat packs included in the package. I don't have a pinpoint thermometer available to test the water temparature with, but it was ice cold to the touch. The temperature outside at the moment is around 40 degrees.

The lack of care taken with this shipment came as a surprise, since I've ordered other items that were packed appropriately.

I've contacted the company, but as a word of warning, it may be wise to request heat/cold packs in the order comments when placing an order.

Nothing appears dead, but it's a bit too soon to tell. I'm acclimating them, so hopefully they'll make it.
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Ouch that sucks! I been on the receiving end of an ice pack when it was 35 degrees outside and everything coming in cold as a board. It's so easy to check online to see what the weather is like at the shipping destination. I've got my fingers crossed for you. Mushrooms are pretty hardy and might make a comeback for you.
They seem to be doing okay. The nudibranch started sticking to the side of the bag and moving around once I got some warm/cleaner water in the bag with him. The shrooms are still a bit shrunken with some guts showing, but they are improving. I'm hopeful. :)
Your post has reminded to always double-check how the vendor is shipping my item. Heating packs are so important around this time of year.
You know, it's a good thing we can't import marine life. It would be dead and decayed by the time it got here. I bought many things that I paid next day delivery on to my freight forwarder in Florida who then fly's it over to me in the Bahamas and even with them having 3 flights a day, sometimes I still don't get my stuff until a week later. I eventually stopped doing next day shipping and just said whatever. When it reaches it reaches!

Bummer on your shipment. Really sucks! :doubt:

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Everything seems to be doing well. One of the mushrooms had a rough time and isn't looking quite as good as the other, but I think they'll make it.