Washing Filter Socks?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
I've been washing them in the machine, large load with 1/2 cup bleach. Then I'll run them through another rinse cycle. They get several weeks of air dry time before use.
Should I be rinsing them again in RO/DI water? I'm noticing my SB breaks out in what I believe to be diatoms, 2-3 days after replacing the socks. Which is strange because it's only the DT SB where this is happening.
I am running carbon/purigen in a reactor.
When I used filter socks and needed to clean them, I tossed them in the washer with a load of white clothes with bleach.
After, a soak in tap water with a strong dechlorinator solution.
That was about it.
Just API Tap Water Conditioner.

I use bleach a lot for different things, so I get the largest dechlorinator size I can find.
There use to be one called Start Right, that I liked. Was sold in a one gallon ( 9 lb.) container.
One would think with a few weeks of dry time any remaining chlorine would have dissipated. >_>
I would have thought so too. Hence the double rinse and dry time. But I'm trying a process of elimination. Wth is causing what I believe to be a diatom bloom?
Vinegar will neutralize chlorine, I've read about people adding it to the washer where the fabric softener goes so its done before the final rinse.