Water from dehumidifier

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2008
Olympia, WA
I was wondering whether the water a dehumidifier makes is clean enough to add to your tank auto top off. They say there are no stupid questions so no one give me a hard time please.Also don't suggest I test it. Too lazy for that. Steve.
I personally have not, since I don't have a TDS meter, but I do personally know someone who has, recently. His measured about 85 tds. He'd had the same thought, to use the water in his freshwater tank. Dehumidifiers don't filter the water. They "kind of" filter the air intake, but not even that much. Some dehumidifiers have a HEPA filter on the exhaust side, some have an air filter that's slightly better than the intake filter. The water isn't filtered at all.

Since I'm visiting one of my LFS tomorrow, who does have a TDS meter, and since I happen to have some freshly made dehumidifier water, I'll take some tomorrow, for testing.
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I too think that it will be to high in dissolved solids to be of use in the tank. You could use it in your washing machine or to water plants. BTW...if you google TDS of dehumidifier water you'll find that a number of folks have asked this same question.

Not to mention the house dust, airborn contaminents, etc. that collect on the cooling coil and are then "washed off" by the condensing water.