water movement

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Jun 26, 2006
Centralia Illinois
I have a powerhead 404 on my 20 gal long with one marron clown and some crabs and snails. Is this too much water movement or not. My clown never comes out of his hole.
Nope, If anything fish like the flow. It's gives them some restistance to swim against. My fish will sometimes play in the water flow. Swim into it and the stop and get pushed away.. The powerhead ride. :)

Does the clown at least come out to eat?
no he will wait tell the food comes to him and then eat. At least he is eating right. Also he is full grown and is missing his left eye thats the reason i got him.
Yes it's good it's eating some. The real reason it might be staying in it's hole is the fact of no left eye. It makes him vulernable to to attach from other fish even though you have no other fish. To us it logical it would come out. But out on the reef you're a goner if you only have 1 eye.

So I would say the hole is providing him the protection he feels he needs.

How long as it been in the tank? if he's new to the tank he might eventually come out. Jsut make sure to keep feeding him. You might need to provide more directional feeding to him. Just catching what comes by his hole might not be enough. Put some food in a turkey baster and squirt in his hole direction.
he has only been there since Tuesday so that might be why hes hideing. What if i bought an Anemone would that make him feel more at home. i really have no desire to put any more fish in there with he. if an Anemone is the way to go what type would be best. I have T5 lights on it so i have enough light and water movement.
I'd just leave him for now. Just make sure he's eating and don't stress him out to much by changing he's surroundings. Let him acclimate for a while.

I wouldn't add a anemone, maybe down the road a little but let this guy settle in first.