RF Sponsor
- Macro Algae Naturally removes nitrates. Macro Algae on sale as low as $2.99
- Macro Algae provides a perfect home for small invertebrates which aid in the natural food chain - (read about how a proper food chain will change your tank for the better right here)
- Macro Algae adds color and dimension as only plants can in any environment!!
- Macro Algae helps oxygenate the water for greater health of the tank mates -- both corals & fish.
- A planted tank can be either in the display or in a separate area like a refugium - either are super beneficial!
- Sea Horses LOVE plants to hold on to and graze for pods.
- Amphipods & Copepods LOVE plants - this is their natural home! Copeods & Amphipods are on sale Buy 1000 get 1000 FREE - today!