what can I do ?

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Sea Otter
Jul 20, 2004
Bothell ,WA
I have a small frag 1"+ of a beautiful blue with blue polyps montipora undata (maybe closer to purple).

It's suffered thru quite a few mistakes and blunders on my part.It's very very slow growing.

Now the problem Is that in the center on top it has 2 (Ii'll call them bumps/lumps) areas (lumps) that have algae on them and were pure white (probably a dead area ?). Is there anything I can do to make the coral look or grow better as it's right were you look at it and it's cemented in place nicely.

If I just chiseled it out and moved it so I wont see that area. Is that really better than: Just leaving it alone or? Can you cut out the dead section? I think that might damage more of the coral than just leaving it? Unless it is stunting the rest of it's growth?

Anyway any thought's on what I can do?


For now, I'd leave it alone unless you notice the white portion starting to grow larger, or the algae starting to grow along more of the frag. Keep it in an area of high flow and medium to high lighting and watch it closely. If you do see the white area growing larger, I'd definitely cut that portion off. Montipora is pretty hardy and it's amazing what it can survive and even come back from.
Thanks ,

It is in a high flow medium high lighting area. It has been the same exact way for more than 3 months.

