What can I put into my tank?

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Active member
Dec 29, 2006
I got a 20g m tank by finnex. i was wondering what i can or should put into there. So far i got a scooter blennt, He is VERY cool. I was thinking a gold maroon clown? Give me some fedback.

two small fish will be a load for that size tank, keep up the wc's! I would make sure not to get any fish that will grow over 3 inches.
20 gallon tanks should be limited to about 3 fish or so, depending on the occupants. The scooter blenny, as said above, requires a lot of LIVE fauna to eat, so make sure and keep on top of your tank with live supplements of copepods (unless of course, if you can get it to eat frozen food).

As for the maroon clown, shouldnt be a problem, assuming you wont add any other fish. Maroon clowns tend to be quite aggressive, and can become very territorial in such a small tank.

Look for small fish (start by going to liveaquaria.com, and check out the marine fish section under Nano Fish. Thats a good starting point)

I currently have a 20L, and kept a mated pair of percula clown fish and a rainfords goby in it. Hope that helps!
Um, not to be a pain here but I would get rid of the scooter if I were you. I tried really darn hard to keep one going in a year old 55 without success. The only time I would recommend scooters for a small tank is if you are extremely experienced in salt water, had an unlimited supply of pods and a larger tank to move it to if it didn't work.

I know what you are thinking and I agree, I love them, Scooters are one of the coolest fish on the planet and I can't wait until I have the setup for one in the future but it isn't worth risking the life of a fish over what we want.
i was wondering will he eat Rod's Food? Also if he does starve will he get stressed out and get a diease and spread it?
In a small systems like this, you are far better off staying with species that readily accept prepared foods and do not suffer from a lack of sometimes necessary live foods. While people often have the best intentions for their new charges, it can sometimes become a chore or a costly upkeep that is not entirely realized until it's "too late". That said, I think you will be surprised just how drab and uninteresting "scooters" actually are. I think you would be far happier choosing a more openly active mid tank swimmer than a benthic dwelling sand crawler. In a small tank, activity level as well as color can often make or break the interest of the hobbyist. This fish fits none of those common components.
you wont be dissapointed! trust me! Not only will your fish be healthy and fit, but incredibly entertaining as well! My pair of clowns were my favorite by far, and i never thought they would be
And have the LFS guy feed them in front of you. Make sure they swallow the food and are clean of any dots, ick, scratches, torn fins, spots, etc. Buy only totally clean fish that are eating.
Clownfish don't need an anemone, but that is half the fun. Anemones need good lighting and pretty fair circulation of clean water to do well.
he actually has a web site it is www.reefplus.net his store is very clean and fish have no dieases. Two very nice saltwater reef tanks. One 375 gallon, and a 150. Also a cool rose anemone tank. You can actually see the clowns i'll be buying almost all the way at the bottom. That is when he got them. here is the gallery pages site http://reefplus.net/gallery.html .
Nice looking fish! The fish I see around this area are very rarely healthy. Sorry to say it. Maybe I just haven't been to the right stores.:(