what do I need? plumbing...

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Sperm Whale
Feb 2, 2007
Spokane, WA
Ok so I finally went out and upgraded but not as big as I'd like but for now it will do. I got a 28 gal all glass and I'm going to use my 10 gal that I have now as a sump for it. I've seen set ups but never done a sump set up myself yet since I'm new. What do I need to buy to get the water down to my sump and back up and how do I do this right? I know I need an overflow and a pump but what kind and how do I set that up. does it all come with the tubing to go back and forth? do I need a light on my sump? if so what kind? Also what kind of skimmer would be best for this tank and will my 50w heater still be good for this tank or do I need to upgrade?
I'm guessing that the new tank isn't drilled so that would mean a HOB overflow. I would get flex pvc from either HD or Lowes with some stainless or plastic hose clamps. You only NEED a sump light if you plan on using patr of it for a refugium...whether or not you need a bigger heater will depend on a couple things...how much heat your return pump adds to the water, and what you light the big tank with. As far as a skimmer goes, I would get one that can handle what you are building now plus what you plan on going up to in the future to avoid buying another one then. I'm sure the consensus will be either a remora or urchin if you like the aqua c line. I do, and will be selling an urchin pro in the near future...which is good for up to 120g TWV.
Good luck
i would make it as ez as you can for your self....

A Cs90 overflow from CRP

a mag 7 Return pump..

a threaded fiting to screw on the mag, that goes to 1/2 barb fiting.
a couple of feet of BLACK 1/2" tube for your return,
a 1-1/2 tube for the downpipeing that will go from your tank 2 your sump.

and something to attach your 1/2 line to the side of your tank... (loc Line) something like,

a aqualifter for the OVerflow,

my remora, sit nicely on the back of my 10 gal sump under my 30....

tonight when i get home, i can take some nice pic's for you show you how i did it, what happen's when the power turns off (if) and exc exc....

pritty much fail proof.
I agree with Jon...A hang on overflow will be the easiest way to go about it. There are tons of different ones out there and it will all depend on which one you want to go with. If you go with the CPR overflow, make sure to get the aqualifter and possibly even a spare one. Here is a link that may help you understand how a sump works and how it looks setup. There is even has an animation at the bottom of the page showing how it all works:)
