What do you feed your anemone?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Coeur D Alene, Idaho
I have been doing a lot of reading on BTA care the past couple of weeks in preparation for the RBTA I added to my tank yesterday. I am planning(well already have) to feed it mysis shrimp with a syringe at first to reduce what it has to digest as it adjusts to my tank and gets a bit larger. In my reading I am seeing a good deal of people saying they are starting to get away from feeding their nems silversides and are going to either just shrimp or their home made meaty fish foods. I am wondering what all of our anemone keepers have to say on this and why they feel the way they do.

I have been doing a lot of reading on BTA care the past couple of weeks in preparation for the RBTA I added to my tank yesterday. I am planning(well already have) to feed it mysis shrimp with a syringe at first to reduce what it has to digest as it adjusts to my tank and gets a bit larger. In my reading I am seeing a good deal of people saying they are starting to get away from feeding their nems silversides and are going to either just shrimp or their home made meaty fish foods. I am wondering what all of our anemone keepers have to say on this and why they feel the way they do.


I fed them chopped up raw shrimp once a week :D Hows the nem doing anyways?
I am feeding mine a variety of meaty foods. Small pieces with a pair of long tweezers or a turkey baster. I feed table shrimp, mysis shrimp, silversides, and krill. Mostly table shrimp but something different each time I feed. I am sure it also bennifits from the other coral foods like live phytoplankton, and good lighting.
I used to feed directly, but stopped after my BTA ate my cleaner shrimp about 9 months ago. He was HUGE for a solid week after that. Now I just let it get what ever it can when I feed the tank. Seems to be doing fine and I don't really want it getting huge fast or splitting on me which it ha done twice now.
i feed my nems small pieces of bay scallops every cuple of weeks and what ever it filters out of my tank when i feed everything else
I quit feeding mine about 6 months ago because it was splitting like twice a month. I sold the others and now the one I have left is happly living with two clowns.