what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

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Sea Cucumber
Oct 14, 2008
what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

All I have is as follows:

2 clowns
1 wrasse (lunare?)
1 coral beauty
1 flame angle
1 larger angle (not sure what kind)
1 spotted mandrin

My total volume is 200 gallons, all I have in my other tanks is a Watchman Goby and Engineer Goby.

We are looking for more fish. My wife like Tangs. I don't have much of a preference and more interested in corals.

I'd even cut it short @ the angel - with the corner tank you only have 3' of swimming room so any of the larger fish like tangs and angels really will appear to take up the whole tank!

In my 100 I was only able to keep 2 clowns, 1 medium hippo (5"), and 1 goby before I took it down. The tang as it grew slowly stressed out any other fish I put in the tank to death (either jumping or stress death) as he was EVERYWHERE.

what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

All I have is as follows:

2 clowns
1 wrasse (lunare?)
1 coral beauty
1 flame angle
1 larger angle (not sure what kind)
1 spotted mandrin

My total volume is 200 gallons, all I have in my other tanks is a Watchman Goby and Engineer Goby.

We are looking for more fish. My wife like Tangs. I don't have much of a preference and more interested in corals.

I'd agree that your currently overloaded, with that large Angel. Not knowing the type of "large Angel" doesn't help much, but most of the non Dwarf Angels need several hundred gallons of tank, and 5'-6' of swimming room, at a minimum.

Also, since you're more interested in corals, be careful with that "large Angel," as most of them are not at all reef safe. In fact, some must have SPS to eat in order to survive.
yes, my large angle (he came with the tank, yellow and blue) does appear to be a problem already. I caught him nipping at a few of my LPS and had to move them to another tank. He is only like 6" long so maybe not truly a "large" angle.

Thank you for your input, I am happy with the fish I have and may try to catch the angle and trade him off. Plus the long spinned urchin that also came with the tank needs to go. The LFS lady told my wife that with 200 gallons total volume that I would be good with 100" of fish! Obviously she was more interested in sales than the well being of the fish.

I'd agree that your currently overloaded, with that large Angel. Not knowing the type of "large Angel" doesn't help much, but most of the non Dwarf Angels need several hundred gallons of tank, and 5'-6' of swimming room, at a minimum.

Also, since you're more interested in corals, be careful with that "large Angel," as most of them are not at all reef safe. In fact, some must have SPS to eat in order to survive.
Sid can you link me to the site where they state that some angels need to eat SPS to survive. I'm interested in researching this a bit as I plan on a Blueface or Navarchus in my prodominatly SPS tank.
Umm yeah, the inch per gallon rule is garbage, just as watts/gallon. If the Angel is 6" it's definitely not a Dwarf Angel and will be a problem. Get rid of it or set up a Fish only tank. Most are fine with SPS only tanks, but play a terror in LPS, Soft or clam tanks.

Here is the only pic I was able to get, what kind of angle did I get? THe pic does not show it, but it has a yellow stipe down the back side.

i want to say koran angle but its a lil too dark. in your image.
maybe a Chrysurus Angel fish

is there only black blue and yellow (where?)
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