What is coming out of my rock?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
Spokane, WA
My wife and I were looking at all the life coming from my new LR when we noticed something coming from inside a hole on the side of the rock. There are two "tubes connected together one large and one small. The larger tube is slightly flared open while the smaller is conical and its opening is much smaller. The outer tips of both are colored a dark red/purple color while the portions of he tubes are a whitish color. This is about the best pic my crappy digital camera will take so I appologize. If it helps I can try and borrow a better camera to get another picture. Thanks for all your help,
Looks Like a Tunicate. Good score. I have a variety of tunicates and sponges popping up all over.

Some can turn into rally interesting colors.