This started growing from a frag. Its growing very fast and looks like little green bubbles on a stick. Is it good or bad? Thanks and sorry abot the pictures its about 2" long with more sprouts coming .
It's Caulerpa, a fast growing and often invasive macro algae. Unless you want a lot of it I would get rid of it now. It can take over if you let it. Many tangs and some angels will eat it so it depends on what you are wanting to do. I keep all my macro algae solely in my refugium.
Sound advice Kevin. I have a dozen or more types of macro algae in my refugium but grape caulerpa deffinately isn't one of them.Hello,
Your picture is of a macro algae commonly called Grape Caulerpa which under the proper conditions can grow an inch or so a day. I do not recommend it in a coral system as it can overgrow you corals and can produce toxins to inhibit coral growth. It can and will migrate from the refugium over time. There are much better macro algae to use, such as Chaetomorpha that will provide a good nutrient sink without the side effects.