what metal halide bulb?

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Mar 2, 2009
i didnt realize there were so many different kinds. mines a 250watt double ended bulb. Im looking for a good balance of light. not to blue not to yellow. the fixture does have two pc actinic bulbs in it to help with the blues. any suggestions?
Phoenix 14K was the best mugul base MH bulb IMO as well as most polls would suggest. Never tried their DE bulbs though, but if they are anything like the SE, then it's a great bulb. Nice color and PAR. Not too blue and not too white. Just right. :)
I started with XM 10k lamps, which i found to be to yellow. Once they were in need of replacement i bought some Ushio 14k's. The color on them was pretty good, but not as blue as i was hoping for. Once they got toward the end of their life cycle one of them actually started flickering really rapidly so i put one of the old XM's back in, to my surprise i could not tell the difference between the two. Needless to say I won't be purchasing those again. Currently I am running XM 20k's, they were really blue at first with kind of worried me, but after about 3 or 4 weeks they burned into a great color. I am very happy with my current lamps.

Eric at my LFS keeps telling me he wants me to try a set of Radium 20k's once I need new lamps. He will be changing all the lamps in the shop to those pretty soon so i will get a chance to check them out, they are supposed to be a little more intense then the XM's I think.

With lamps it seems to be a lot of trial and error based on personal opinion. For a long time i didn't want anything but a 10k lamp, now i wish i had changed over a long time ago. Keep in mind I am running a 175w single end setup. Color of the lamps should be the same but i can't say 100% that they will be.
I'm running Coralvue 250W DE in my 65g, I really like the color for DE bulb, my favorite from many others i have tried. For previous 45g tank, it was 250W SE Radium. Current temporary 80g, I'm trying XM 250w. All 20k. I really like radium for SE.
What did you end up getting. Our bulbs are beyond their shelf life and need replacing. I believe I saw Barrier Reef selling the Pheonix 14K's but I saw two different prices on their site. ?