What to do With a Wrasse

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Olympia, WA
I have a six line wrasse that has become fairly territorial and constantly messes with a watchman goby that I added last week. After the frag swap and picking up some live rock yesterday, I moved him from the display to the sump, but now he seems depressed. He still eats well, but I"m still worried that he won't do well. I was hoping that after a few days and a different landscape he wouldn't be as aggressive. I'm not sure if I should adopt him out or try him back in the display. If i put him in, I don't think I will be able to catch him without taking everything out again. Any suggestions?
It's always tough to say what's going to happen between fish because just like people every fish has a different personality. Frankly, if you're worried that they won't get along once you put it back in the main tank and you don't think you'll be able to catch it again I'd say you have to decide which one you want to keep more. Personally, I'd bet that since the new goby has only been in for a week the wrasse didn't really have time to figure out that the new fish wasn't a threat. If it were me I'd add it back to the tank.

Thanks Mike, I'll add him back. I just don't want him to die overnight. Hopefully they will learn to get along better.

try adding a mirror to divert his aggression. worked with our bully yellow tang.

Ill try the mirror idea, I'm hoping that with the new landscaping and the day penance in the sump he will think he is in a new tank, and not be so aggressive towards the gobys.
It would be great to hear your results. I bVe some aggressive fish as well and am wondering how to resolve.
We've never had an issue with aggression from our six line wrasses. But then again we had a coral banded shrimp from hell when others said they had no problems with theirs. Hope it works out. Our Goby is queen bee of our tank. I can't really imagine anything pushing her around.
You have to take into consideration if you are going to add more fish later.

My six line did not get along with any fish we added. So we decided it was time to go.
So moving him to the sump and the tank rearrangement seemed to work. He hasn't bothered any of the other fish yet. Hopefully I won't have to get rid of him, I know that I will probably add more fish than I have now. I still want a pair of maroon clowns for sure. Thanks for the suggestions.
Day two with the six line in the display and he has yet to mess with the other fish. It seems my reverse fish psychology worked, at least for now.
I had a six line that killed anything new I put in the tank so I finally went fishing. :( It's so nice now to have a peaceful tank with (so far) no bullies.
My six line is going to have to go, and we've only had him for a week. He started picking on our firefish we put in the tank at the same time with him.
I never had a sixline wrasse.I have heard from people is you need to add them last because they are likely to be mean.I do have 3 wrasses in my tank and never had an issue with them. Also you should know watchmen gobies arent not exactly the nicest fish either. Maybe it was starting the fights and like football you only saw they retaliation. My watchmen is a mean little guy and will go after even my blueface if it gets to close to his cave.