got this as a freebe from reef2go. dont know what it is. my tank is a fowlr with cheaper leds. its close to the top. should i wait it out and see if it likes my tank or just sell it?
Good idea. But for now their aquatic life 2, 4' 50/50 over a 180g. I have them close to the top where both light strips are. Right next to a power head. I'm trying to give them the best chance. We'll see tomorrow how their doing.
looks like a zoa or pally, very easy corals that can be kept under very low lighting. If your fish won't eat them just enjoy
IME zoa's don't like to be directly blasted by a power head (unless it is a low GPH one) but like decent flow. I put most of mine just out of the main current in the tank. But your lighting will be fine.
Oh and be sure to post a picture when the open up. Some of them have insaine coloration.